1973年,科学家从一个父母谱系不祥的人类流产胚胎的肾脏中分离出最原始的人胚肾细胞,即293细胞(human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cell line),该细胞被转入修改后的5型腺病毒DNA片段,一开始转化非常困难,一直到几个月后,科学家得到一个稳定的可以快速生长的293单克隆细胞株,自此HEK293诞生。HEK293细胞在细...
The publication reported using human embryonic kidney cells to develop a stable cell line expressing Zika viral-like particles (VLPs), which can be promising Zika vaccine candidates and are produced mainly by growing stable cells in stirred-tank perfusion bioreactors.Plasticity of the HEK- 293 cells...
293细胞系原本是原代人胚肾细胞转染 5型腺病毒(Ad 5) DNA的永生化细胞,表达转染的腺病毒5的基因。 human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cell line,HEK293 293细胞分为几种,文献上所提总是笼统的讲293细胞,293细…
中文名称:293(HEK-293) Cell Line|人胚肾细胞英文名称:293(HEK-293) Cell Line 保存条件:低温避光纯度规格:1×10(6)cells/T25培养瓶 产品类别:实验试剂 "293(HEK-293) Cell Line|人胚肾细胞 细胞形态特性:上皮细胞样 64262-23-3 细胞生长特性:贴壁 ...
HEK293全称human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cell line,与生物界“唐僧”Hela细胞不同,HEK293的具体来源信息已经不可考,目前能查到的资料显示其来源于一枚父母谱系不详的流产人类胚胎,1973年分离并在体外建立细胞系,最开始的HEK293就像原始的人一样野性难驯,非常难以转化和稳定培养,直到几个月以后,经过科学家坚持...
产品规格 1 mL(5E6 Cell/mL) 用途范围 仅做科研,不用于临床 商品货号 41107ES 商品规格 25 mg 生产厂家 翌圣生物科技(上海)股份有限公司 是否进口 否 规格编码 41107ES03 最小起订量 1.00 发货地 上海 售卖区域 全国 可售卖地 北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安...
stem cell-like features in 293T human embryonic kidney cells." Molecular cancer 9.1 (2010): 1-12.[6] Malm M, Saghaleyni R, Lundqvist M, et al. Evolution from adherent to suspension: systems biology of HEK293 cell line development[J]. Scientific reports, 2020, 10(1): 1-15.
HEK293 is a cell line derived from human embryonic kidney cells grown in tissue culture. They are also known, more informally, as HEK cells. This particular line was initiated by the transformation and culturing of normal HEK cells with sheared adenovirus 5 DNA. The transformation resulted in ...
中文名称:HEK293S cell line人胚肾细胞系英文名称:HEK293S cell line 保存条件:低温避光纯度规格:1x10(6)viable cells/ml 产品类别:有机化学品 "HEK293S cell line人胚肾细胞系 细胞背景资料:详见相关文献介绍 最近在培养细胞时,发现其状态不是很好,很容易扎堆生长,用胰酶消化的时候也是一团一团地被消化下来...
IP3R, R1 Expressing HEK-293 Cell Line (HEKR1), 1 Vial Datasheet 1 vialIn stock $695.00 EUR030 IP3R Null HEK-293 Cell Line (HEK-3KO), 1 vial Datasheet 1 vialIn stock $695.00 Specifications Product Type:Cell Line Name:IP3R null: HEK-3KOSingle IP3R isoform expressed: HEKR1, HEK...