1973年,科学家从一个父母谱系不祥的人类流产胚胎的肾脏中分离出最原始的人胚肾细胞,即293细胞(human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cell line),该细胞被转入修改后的5型腺病毒DNA片段,一开始转化非常困难,一直到几个月后,科学家得到一个稳定的可以快速生长的293单克隆细胞株,自此HEK293诞生。HEK293细胞在细...
细胞名称:GIPR/CRE Luciferase Reporter HEK293 Cell Line GIPR/CRE Luciferase Reporter HEK293 Cell Line可用于直观且灵敏的筛选GIPR配体(如激动剂或拮抗剂)。 基因改造说明 GIPR/CRE Luciferase Reporter HEK293的关键改造如下: 首先稳定过表达人源胃抑肽受体 (GIPR):这一受体是G蛋白偶联受体 (GPCR) 家族的成员,...
1973年,科学家从一个父母谱系不祥的人类流产胚胎的肾脏中分离出最原始的人胚肾细胞,即293细胞(human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cell line),该细胞被转入修改后的5型腺病毒DNA片段,一开始转化非常困难,一直到几个月后,科学家得到一个稳定的可以快速生长的293单克隆细胞株,自此HEK293诞生。HEK293细胞在细胞生物学...
或是扫码输入HEK293进行查询 参考资料 Lin, Y.-C., et al., Genome dynamics of the human embryonic kidney 293 lineage in response to cell biology manipulations. Nature communications, 2014. 5(1): p. 4767.Tan, E., et al., HEK293 cell line as a platform to produce recombinant proteins and...
Recombinant HEK293 stably expressing human TIGIT (T cell immunoreceptor with Ig and ITIM domains; VSTM3; VSIG9), GenBank Accession #NM_173799.
Origins of the HEK293 Cell Line HEK293 is a cell line derived from human embryonic kidney cells grown in tissue culture. They are also known, more informally, as HEK cells. This particular line was initiated by the transformation and culturing of normal HEK cells with sheared adenovirus 5 DNA...
产品名称:H_GCGR HEK-293 Cell Line 目录价:询价细胞培养、冻存、复苏试剂准备 生长培养基:DMEM+10% FBS+1% P.S+0.75 μg/mL Puromycin 细胞冻存液:90% FBS+10% DMSO产品简介 基于HEK-293细胞,使用慢病毒技术构建的稳定表达H_GCGR的单克隆细胞系。 H_GCGR氨基酸序列(P47871): MPPCQPQRPLLLLLLLLACQPQVPS...
产品名称:H_SIGLEC15 HEK-293 Cell Line 目录价:询价细胞培养、冻存、复苏试剂准备 生长培养基:DMEM+10% FBS+1% P.S+400 μg/mL G418+0.75 μg/mL Puromycin 细胞冻存液:90% FBS+10% DMSO产品简介 基于HEK-293细胞,使用慢病毒技术构建的稳定表达H_SIGLEC15的单克隆细胞系。 H_SIGLEC15氨基酸序列(Q6ZMC...
Western Blot of HEK293 NaV1.7cells (lanes 1, 2) stained with anti-Sodium channel Nav1.7, clone N68/6 (Millipore, Cat.No.MABN41) with follow staining with Alkaline Phosphatase conjugated Anti-mouse IgG (Rockland Immunochemicals, Cat.No. 610-1502). M: molecular weight marker.Catalog #:...
CRISPRa (SAM) HEK293 Cell Line This cell line has been engineered for use with the CRISPR Synergistic Activation Mediator (SAM) system to induce transcriptional activation and expression of any gene of interest. Cells stably express a mutated dCas9 (Stre