UnityEditor UnityEngine Other Camera.GetAllCameras public static int GetAllCameras (Camera[] cameras); パラメーター cameras 現在のシーン内にあるカメラを格納するための配列 説明 新規配列を割り当てることなく、シーン内のすべてのカメラを取得します。 The passed in array needs to be of...
GazeInputModuleJ脚本是给unity的EventSystem的一个输入模块,当用户注视一个GameObjects的时候,就可以选择它。脚本的目录在Assets -> GoogleVR -> Scripts -> GazeImputModule,把它添加到scene的EventSystem object中去,就可以使用了。 在场景中和一个3D object去进行交互时,需要给Event Camera中添加一个PhysicsRaycaste...
UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity Other SceneView.GetAllSceneCameras public static Camera[] GetAllSceneCameras (); Returns Camera[] Returns an array of camera components. Description Retrieves an array of all camera components from all open Scene views. Copyright © 2020 Unity Technologies. ...
1. 解释什么是Unity中的GetUniversalAdditionalCameraData GetUniversalAdditionalCameraData是Unity中Universal Render Pipeline(URP)管线特有的一个方法,用于从相机(Camera)组件中获取UniversalAdditionalCameraData实例。UniversalAdditionalCameraData是一个包含URP管线中相机特定渲染设置和配置的类。 2. 详述GetUniversalAdditional...
public: [System::Runtime::CompilerServices::Extension] static UnityEngine::Vector2 GetFrustumSizeForDistance(UnityEngine::Camera ^ camera, float distanceFromCamera); Parameters camera UnityEngine.Camera The camera to get the frustum size for distanceFromCamera Single The distance from the c...
(false) [Monitor] [MShowIf(Condition.False)] private bool NetworkAvailable { get; } // Property will only be displayed if MainCamera is not available or set. (null) [Monitor] [MShowIf(Condition.Null)] private Camera MainCamera { get; }...
SceneTemplateSettings.json TagManager.asset TimeManager.asset TimelineSettings.asset UnityConnectSettings.asset VFXManager.asset VersionControlSettings.asset XRPackageSettings.asset XRSettings.asset .gitignore .vsconfig README.mdBreadcrumbs GetCameraFrame /ProjectSettings / DynamicsManager.asset Latest...
At the top of the Unity Editor, select the Play button, which will automatically open the Game view. The Game view lets you see the game from your Main Camera's perspective, as if you were a player experiencing the game firsthand. You'll notice that your cube simply hangs in the air...
开发者ID:my0pic,项目名称:daggerfall-unity,代码行数:39,代码来源:MirrorReflection.cs 示例2: CreateCameraObjects ▲点赞 7▼ /** Creates the objects we need, as needed. */protectedCameraInfoCreateCameraObjects(Camera currentCamera){//get the state for this particular cameraCameraInfo camInfo;if(...
HwArCameraIntrinsics HwArConfig HwArEnginesApk HwArEnginesSelector HwArFace HwArFaceBlendShapes HwArFaceGeometry HwArFrame HwArHand HwArHitResult HwArImage HwArImageMetadata HwArLightEstimate HwArObject HwArPlane HwArPoint HwArPointCloud HwArPose HwArSceneMesh HwArS...