I am running mri_aparc2aseg using two annotations as input (one for each hemisphere), each with 159 labels, and wish to end up with a single output segmentation of 318 labels. However, when I run the below, this is not the case: mri_aparc2aseg \ --s subject1 \ --annot 500_sym....
输入: mri/norm.mgz, mri/transforms/talairach.m3z 输出: mri/aseg.auto.mgz, mri/aseg.mgz mri_ca_label -align -nobigventricles norm.mgz transforms/talairach.m3z /usr/local/freesurfer/average/RB_all_2008-03-26.gca aseg.auto_noCCseg.mgz mri_cc -aseg aseg.auto_noCCseg.mgz -o aseg.a...
│ ├── aparc.annot.a2009s.ctab │ ├── aparc.annot.ctab//30划分统计输出 │ ├── aparc.annot.DKTatlas.ctab │ ├── BA_exvivo.ctab │ ├── BA_exvivo.thresh.ctab │ ├── lh.aparc.a2009s.annot │ ├── lh.aparc.annot//29⽪层标记输出//30划分统计输入 │ ├── ...
mri_add_xform_to_header mri_and mri_annotation2label mri_aparc2aseg mri_aparc2wmseg mri_average mri_bias mri_binarize mri_brainvol_stats mri_ca_label mri_ca_normalize mri_ca_register mri_ca_tissue_parms mri_ca_train mri_cal_renormalize_gca mri_cc mri_cnr mri_...
mri_aparc2aseg mri_aparc2wmseg mri_average mri_bias mri_binarize mri_brainvol_stats mri_ca_label mri_ca_normalize mri_ca_register mri_ca_tissue_parms mri_ca_train mri_cal_renormalize_gca mri_cc mri_cnr mri_compile_edits mri_compute_change_map mri_compute_overlap mri_compute_seg_overla...
The cortical and sub-cortical segmentations were then transferred into volumetric space using mri_aparc2aseg. The output segmentations were compared to the input atlases in FreeSurfer space to reduce the need for further resampling of the output segmentations. Since FreeSurfer has separate streams ...
mri_add_xform_to_header/Makefile mri_annotation2label/Makefile mri_aparc2aseg/Makefile mri_aparc2wmseg/Makefile mri_apply_inu_correction/Makefile mri_aseg_edit_train/Makefile mri_aseg_edit_reclassify/Makefile mri_auto_fill/Makefile mri_average/Makefile mri_dct_align/Makefile ...
mris_topo_fixer mris_remove_intersection mris_make_surfaces mris_surf2vol mris_register mris_jacobian mrisp_paint mris_ca_label mris_anatomical_stats mri_aparc2aseg NOTIFICATION FILES Notification files allow the user to cascade invocations to recon-all, with one invocation waiting until another one...
mri Aparc2Aseg, Binarize, Convert, Coreg, Label2Vol, RobustRegister, RobustTemplate, Surf2Surf, Vol2Vol mris AnatomicalStats, CALabel, CATrain, Expand, Preproc recon_all ReconAll, BaseReconAll, LongReconAll Installation pip install clinica-pydra-freesurfer A separate installation of FreeSurfer is...
mri_WMHsynthseg mri_add_xform_to_header mri_and mri_annotation2label mri_aparc2aseg mri_aparc2wmseg mri_average mri_bias mri_binarize mri_brainvol_stats mri_ca_label mri_ca_normalize mri_ca_register mri_ca_tissue_parms mri_ca_train mri_cal_renormalize_gca mri_cc mri_cnr mri_compile_ed...