CANCER patientsDNATISSUESDNA analysisDear Editor, Somatic mosaicism is widespread among tissues and could indicate distinct origins for circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) fragments, which are released by lytic cells in the tissues into the blood plasma.1,2 We hypothesized that whole-genome sequencing ...
Human Genome Project (redirected fromSequencing of the human genome) Medical Encyclopedia Human Genome Project n. An international scientific research project that was conducted between 1990 and 2003 to determine the base-pair sequences in human DNA and to store this information in computer databases ...
近日,辛辛那提儿童医院医学中心(CCHMC)刘亚平教授领导的研究团队在Genome Medicine上发表题为CRAG: De novo characterization of cell-free DNA fragmentation hotspots in plasma whole-genome sequencing的研究论文。 作者基于活性调控区域由于缺乏...
The Complete Guide to Whole Genome Re-Sequencing: Everything You Need To Know For Research Success What Will You Learn from This Webinar? BGI’s Global FAS Manager, Dr. Bin Gao, gives a highly practical introduction to Whole Genome Re-Sequencing (WGRS), with useful tips and examples from ...
Using ultra-low pass whole-genome sequencing, we find both tumor fractions correlate with disease progression. Applying whole-exome sequencing (WES) to cfDNA, CTCs, and matched tumor biopsies, we find concordance in clonal somatic mutations (~99%) and copy number alterations (~81%) between ...
While future validation in larger data sets of different cancer types and stages is needed, we provide proof-of-principle that deep whole genome sequencing combining depth with breadth of sequencing to allow integration of information from various modalities (copy number aberrations, single nucleotide ...
Whole-exome sequencing of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) could enable comprehensive profiling of tumors from blood but the genome-wide concordance between cfDNA and tumor biopsies is uncertain. Here we report ichorCNA, software that quantifies tumor content in cf
以发表在bioRxiv的预印文章Advanced Whole Genome Sequencing Using a Complete PCR-free Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) Workflow为参考,通过对比PCR-Free基于不同测序平台的数据表现,结果显示:基于DNBSEQ 平台的MGIEasy™ PCR-Free数据相较于NovaSeq平台的MGIEasy™ PCR-Free数据及TruSeq™ DNA PCR-Free数据...
(TF) and limited number of DNA fragments restricts low-disease-burden monitoring through the prevailing deep targeted sequencing paradigm. We reasoned that breadth may supplant depth of sequencing to overcome the barrier of cfDNA abundance. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of cfDNA allowed ultra-...
Abstract 2274: Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in muscle-invasive bladder cancer patients to predict the risk of recurrence With the development of liquid biopsy technology, plasma cell-free DNA(cfDNA) becomes one of the research hotspots. Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing...