WHOLE genome sequencingNASOPHARYNX cancerPHENOTYPESGENETIC variationIMMUNE recognitionIntroduction: Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) is a complex cancer due to its unique genomic features and association with the Epstein鈥揃arr virus (EBV). Despite therapeutic advancements, NPC prognosis remains poor, n...
Applying the HRDetect mutational-signature-based algorithm to classify tumors, 59% were predicted to have homologous-recombination-repair deficiency (HRDetect-high): 67% explained by germline/somatic mutations of BRCA1/BRCA2, BRCA1 promoter hypermethylation, RAD51C hypermethylation or biallelic loss of ...
either at the time of the first resection (P = 0.053) or the second resection (P = 0.119); however, there was no statistical significance, possibly due to the limited sample size (Supplementary Fig.21). Therefore, de novo recurrence may be partly explained by an oncogenic field e...
The PCA analysis revealed that the top three PCs displayed the genetic differentiation between the commercial chicken populations (TF and SHXY) and the other chicken breeds (CS, QD, PD, XY, CSWG, WN, WM, YS and RJF) (Fig.1B). The PC1 (4.7% variances explained totally), PC2 (2.5% ...
whole-genome sequencing of African AmericansWhether or not populations diverge with respect to the genetic contribution to risk of specific complex diseases is relevant to understanding the evolution of susceptibility and origins of health disparities. Here, we describe a large-scale whole-genome ...
There are an exceedingly large number of sequence variants discovered through whole genome sequencing in most populations, including cattle. Deciphering which of these affect complex traits is a major challenge. In this study we hypothesize that variants in some functional classes, such as splice site...
Thus, the diversity of ginsenosides is further explained by the analysis of repetitive sequences with extremely high repetition rates in the traditional and precious medicinal material Panax ginseng whole genome (Xu et al., 2017). The development of the Salvia miltiorrhiza whole genome has also ...
Cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a widely grown oilseed crop worldwide; however, the events leading to its origin and diversification are not fully understood. Here by combining chloroplast and whole-genome sequence data from a large germplasm
davidiana in China. The migration route of P. davidiana in China was from N to S. Although the majority of the regions of genomic differentiation between N and S populations can be explained by neutral processes, a number of tested outlier regions were also found to have been significantly ...
GWAS: Genome-wide association studies HDL-C: HDL-cholesterol IL: interleukin IRB: Institutional review board LR: Likelihood ratio SNP: single-nucleotide polymorphism T1D: Type 1 diabetes T2D: type 2 diabetes VARIMED: Variants Informing Medicine WGS: whole genome sequencing.References...