Moreover, the progenitor-like precursor cell population may be a subset of T cells that can respond to immunotherapy. Studies have also found that TOX initiates and dominates the development of exhausted T cells at the transcriptional and epigenetic levels. TOX also maintains T cell survival and ...
Background T cell exhaustion is one of the major barriers limiting efficacious anti-tumor therapy. Exhausted CD8 T cells (TEX) develop following persistent antigen stimulation and are characterized by a unique epigenetic state, expression of PD-1 and other inhibitory receptors, dampened effector ...
The Human Exhausted CD8+ T Cell IHC Antibody Sampler Kit provides an economical means of characterizing the extent of exhaustion in T cells in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples. Background Cluster of Differentiation 3 (CD3) is a multiunit protein complex expressed on the surface of...
2. The development of these hypofunctional T cells and of their precursors was considered to require stimulatory conditions that are met only after persistent exposure to antigen and inflammation. Here we show, however, that similar T cell populations exist in the early phase of acute infections1,...
Revitalization of exhausted CD8+ T cells is a major therapeutic opportunity for cancer and viral infections. As current knowledge of exhausted T cells mainly comes from chronic viral infection in mice, it is crucial to determine the requirements for effective T cell reinvigoration in humans. In ...
我们长期聚焦于生命科学、生物医药、医疗诊断、分析检测等领域,主要提供 包括抗体、重组蛋白、细胞因子、ELISA试剂盒、流式试剂、免疫组化试剂、生化试剂、分子生物学试剂、细胞系和细胞产品、科学仪器、耗材、LabEx(多因子检测服务)、产品订制服务、技术培训、软件和供应链等在内的生命科学一站式产品及服务,通过优宁维...
Moreover, the progenitor-like precursor cell population may be a subset of T cells that can respond to immunotherapy. Studies have also found that TOX initiates and dominates the development of exhausted T cells at the transcriptional and epigenetic levels. TOX...
progenitor exhausted T cell, Tpex分享到: 耗竭前体细胞分类: 生物学词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释: 叶丽林团队及Rafi Ahmed,Di Yu等研究团队在2016年分别独立发现, 慢性病毒感染中,位于淋巴组织内的耗竭程度较低的CXCR5+TCF-1+ Tim3-CD8+T细胞作为耗竭前体细胞(progenitor exhausted T...
Nuclear ACSS2 overexpression or ACLY inhibition prevented TEX differentiation and enhanced tumor-specific T cell responses. These findings unveiled a nutrient-instructed histone code governing CD8 + T cell differentiation, with implications for metabolic- and epigenetic-based T cell therapies. 展开 ...
CD8+ T cells play a crucial role in eliminating virus-infected cells and tumors. Armed with potent cytolytic potential and an inherent capacity to produce proinflammatory cytokines, CD8+ T cells are generally highly effective at killing their target cells upon T cell receptor (TCR) recognition of...