主条目:Animal Training 动物训练区允许驯兽师在此进行动物训练。动物只能在训练区、牧场或拘束装置上进行训练。 要驯服动物,必须把它们关在笼子里。建议建造一个带有紧闭门的小房间,然后指定为动物训练区。训练区应该与牧场结合起来,以便关住野生动物。确保在不训练时,动物不会逃跑。 Dungeon 主条目:Jail A dung...
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Cage Trap笼子陷阱(c) Upright Spear/Spike直立长矛/长钉(S) Machine Components机械零件子菜单 Screw Pump螺杆泵(s) Water Wheel水车(w) Windmill风车(m) Gear Assembly齿轮传动装置(g) Horizontal Axle水平轴(h) Vertical Axle纵轴(v) d:Designations设计 Mine采矿挖掘(d) Channel水渠(h) Remove Up Stairs/Ra...
When trainers train animals in cages, if they feed them something which creates a seed when eaten raw (pears and bayberries in my game), it leaves seeds inside of the cages. These cages then become unusable for storing prisoners or animals until the seeds are manually dumped from the cage...
《矮人要塞DwarfFortress》指令翻译.doc,《矮人要塞 Dwarf Fortress》指令翻译 注:超链接处按ctrl+鼠标左键跳转 a: View Announcements 查看声明 b: Building 建筑物 r:Reports 报告 c: View civilization 查看文明 d: Designations 设计 o:Set orders 设置命令 k:
Target VersionFixed in Version DescriptionI had executed all ogre prisoners, but found one still remaining in the other units list. Zooming to it I found it was in the refuse stockpile, inside a badly (XX) worn cage. It is probably the same cage that survived a fire started by a dragon...
AnimalTrap动物陷阱(m) Restraint锁链栓(v) Cage牢笼(j) ArcheryTarget箭靶(A) TractionBench牵引工作台(R) Nest Box 产蛋箱(N) Hive 蜂房(Alt+h) siege engines 攻城武器菜单下子菜单 ballista 弩车(b) catapult 投石车(c) Workshops 工厂菜单下子菜单 ...
Use it from the regular operating system console: binpatch check "Dwarf Fortress.exe" patch.dif Checks and prints if the patch is currently applied. binpatch apply "Dwarf Fortress.exe" patch.dif Applies the patch, unless it is already applied or in conflict. binpatch remove "Dwarf Fortress....
binpatch remove "Dwarf Fortress.exe" patch.dif Removes the patch, unless it is already removed. The patches are expected to be encoded in text format used by IDA. Live patching As an alternative, you can use the binpatch dfhack command to apply/remove patches live in memory during a DF ...
theyareinacage,andtheirphysicalattributes.Isaythatthismenuisinteractive,anditis:non-wild, non-petcreaturescanbedesignatedforbutcheringhere.Thisallowsittoreplacethein-gameAnimal Statusscreen,providedthatyoudon’ttrytotameanywildlife,asthiscannotbedonethroughDwarf The. 23 8.4CreatingCustomRoles Ifyourightclickon...