Doing so has several benefits: it will allow you to plan your fortress layout around the underground features, release the spores necessary for an underground tree farm, prevent a calamitous discovery later when powerful enemies lie in wait, and minimize the amount of time invested if the ...
animal trainer ←驯兽师 因为以下原因,您没有权限编辑本页: 您请求的操作仅限属于这些用户组的用户执行:认证用户、职员 您必须确认您的电子邮件地址才能编辑页面。请通过参数设置设置并确认您的电子邮件地址。 您可以查看和复制此页面的源代码。 本页使用的模板: ...
When trainers train animals in cages, if they feed them something which creates a seed when eaten raw (pears and bayberries in my game), it leaves seeds inside of the cages. These cages then become unusable for storing prisoners or animals until the seeds are manually dumped from the cage...
Product Version0.44.05 Target VersionFixed in Version DescriptionI had executed all ogre prisoners, but found one still remaining in the other units list. Zooming to it I found it was in the refuse stockpile, inside a badly (XX) worn cage. It is probably the same cage that survived a fir...
You can tame the small animal at the kennel, and then they can be used as pets. Some pets have a high value and can be used to make useless dwarves nobles happy. To release the (now tame) animal use q to query the cage, a to assign, and then use enter to toggle the animal(s...
If their number falls below that limit, the plants and seeds of that type will be excluded from cookery. If the number rises above the limit + 20, then cooking will be allowed. The plugin needs a fortress to be loaded and will deactivate automatically otherwise. You have to reactivate ...
If their number falls below that limit, the plants and seeds of that type will be excluded from cookery. If the number rises above the limit + 20, then cooking will be allowed. The plugin needs a fortress to be loaded and will deactivate automatically otherwise. You have to reactivate ...
[ENTER_TENTACLES:RIBCAGE] Re: RimWorld - basically the sci-fi Dwarf Fortress «Reply #1 on:September 15, 2013, 08:07:06 pm » Obligatory "creating account and making your first post as an advertisement for your game is seen as rude in this community" post. ...
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|- | {{text anchor|GNAWER}} | Caste | *verb | The creature can and will gnaw its way out of [[animal trap]]s and [[cage]]s using the specified verb, depending on the material from which it is made (normally wood). |- | {{text anchor|GOBBLE_VERMIN_CLASS}} | Caste | *...