animal caretaker K-A于2年前修改了此页面。 动物护理员 行会 职业游侠 职位名称动物护理员 劳动动物护理 工作 职责无 工坊无 属性 敏捷 分析能力 记性 同情 本文所述游戏特性存在着一个或多个漏洞。 动物护理应该是矮人所使用的技能,用来照料被分配给他们的受伤的宠物(只要他们启用了劳动),以及喂养饥饿/口渴的被...
主条目:Animal Training 动物训练区允许驯兽师在此进行动物训练。动物只能在训练区、牧场或拘束装置上进行训练。 要驯服动物,必须把它们关在笼子里。建议建造一个带有紧闭门的小房间,然后指定为动物训练区。训练区应该与牧场结合起来,以便关住野生动物。确保在不训练时,动物不会逃跑。 Dungeon 主条目:Jail A dung...
function in question takes 8 parameters: a pair of int16 vectors to accept creature race/caste values, another pair of int16 vectors from which to draw race/caste values (typically from entity resources), min/max temperature values (taken from plotinfo), and the fortress's region X/Y ...
Description"Capture animals can be used for food, extracts or trade." "Capture" should be "Captured". Steps To ReproduceThe Manual (?) > Your First Outpost > Making Crafts > Creating Building Tasks > Animal Trap Menu TagsProbable Quick Fix ...
It features tons of randomly generated content as you try to rule the kingdom of Aslona amidst a huge rebellion, hordes of bandits as well as random bandit factions and independent kingdoms with randomly generated races, it takes heavy inspiration from dwarf fortress with its randomness and may...
Capture In order to train an animal, you must first have an animal to train, so before you can do any training, you must capture some wild animals. Which animals appear at your fortress (and thus which animals you can train, besides thesubterraneancreatures that are randomly present) is de...
animal trainer ←驯兽师 因为以下原因,您没有权限编辑本页: 您请求的操作仅限属于这些用户组的用户执行:认证用户、职员 您必须确认您的电子邮件地址才能编辑页面。请通过参数设置设置并确认您的电子邮件地址。 您可以查看和复制此页面的源代码。 本页使用的模板: ...
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityalways StatusnewResolutionopen PlatformOSOS Version Product Version0.40.24 Target VersionFixed in Version DescriptionIf a 'Tame a Small Animal' job is queued at a Kennel and the only small animal available is in an artifact animal trap, the job will be cancell...
DescriptionBug0003337implies that underground animal-man civilizations are meant to attack your fortress once you discover/disturb them; however, in running 2 different fortress for over 15 years each, I have yet to observe this happen. My first fortress had both antmen (which died of old age ...
链入页面 页面: 命名空间: 过滤器 隐藏嵌入| 隐藏链接| 隐藏重定向 以下页面链接至Animal trainer: 已显示59项。 查看(前250个 | 后250个)(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500) 矮人 (←链接) 妖精 (←链接) 巨魔 (←链接) 喙狗 (←链接) 技能 (←链接) 爪角怪 ...