If you're having difficulty catching up to animals that run away, try sneaking up on them. After that? More Tips See the Adventure mode FAQ for lots of tips and suggestions on how to avoid death and increase your skills. Congratulations, you have graduated from adventurer school. You ...
selecting the corpse you want to butcher. Press→again to pick the tool that you want to use. PressEnterand you will then proceed to butcher the corpse, dropping all of the products on the same tile as yourself. If you're having difficulty catching up to animals that run away, trysneaki...
After a bit more bug fixing, the first releases will cover Fortress mode siege improvements. We will give siegers more tools and the ability to plan and learn. The release will also push the addition of magic forward in this process, and offer the first Fortress mode abilities to interact ...
Summary 0002529: Repeatedly visiting town/site causes animals to accumulate Description First thing first. I got a quest to kill a named warthog. As I search around the designated zone for a bit, I find nothing so I go wander out in the wilderness before coming back with the Travel screen...
On a potentially-related note, the save shows two merchants leading pack animals into dead-end rooms of the fortress. Additional Information http://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=14213 [^] *edit: risusinf identified this crash as a corruption of military equipment and linked multiple other ...
That being said, I have noticed that slaughtering a live creature (not the same as killing one in combat) at a butcher shop (in fortress mode) never generates a thought related to 'slaughtering a creature' (although it can generate 'feels XXXX at work'), but butchering an already dead ...
Summary 0011692: Pack animals 'steal' artifacts loaded on them Description The fact that briefly picking up an artifact is characterized as 'theft' in history has probably already been reported. If that artifact is briefly loaded on a pack animal pet, that animal becomes an accessory to the cr...
StatusnewResolutionopen PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version19042.985 Product Version0.47.05 Target VersionFixed in Version DescriptionWhen trainers train animals in cages, if they feed them something which creates a seed when eaten raw (pears and bayberries in my game), it leaves seeds inside of the cages...
Seems that stuck birds or the wandering undead from the timed-out invasion might have something to do with making the bug worse, but it also appears that some animals will inexplicably fail to breed for no discernible reason. Either that or I just got unlucky with the RNG on my dogs. ...
This was true in .40d as well. Animals pathfind as dwarves and get surprised when they can't go through tightly closed doors, and just sit there and try to repath repeatedly. Since pathing thinks they can go through the tightly closed door, they keep trying. Processor issue: the animal...