Aixela. We will also seek to describe the procedures used for the translation of such identified culture specific items, classifying them in two groups - procedures for preserving cultural specificity and those for substituting it. In the end we will try to check whet...
The Most and Least Used Translation Strategies for Conveying Culture-Specific-Items in Young Adult Literature from English into Persian Therefore, the CSIs were identified based on Newmark's categorization and Aixela's model was applied to all CSIs. The results revealed that while the most used ...
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the translation of culture-specific items in Shakespeare's comedy As You Like It by Halide Edip Advar and Vahit Turhan. To this end, Javier Franco Aixela's two major translation strategies (conservation and substitution...
Since transferring the Culture-Specific-Items to the young adults is getting complicated, this study was conducted over the corpus, The Hunger Games Trilogy and its translation by Shabnam Saadat into Persian, in order to find firstly the most and least used translation strategies. Therefore, the ...