. Loaded names have a much greater margin of indeterminacy, but they do seem to display a tendency toward the linguistic (denotative or non-cultural) translation of their components, a trend which increases with their expressivity. 引自Culture-Specific Items in Translation...
The Preservation of Culture-Specific Items in Translation from Vietnamese to English The article uses statistical, comparative, quantitative and qualitative methods, to determine the frequency of using certain translation strategies for tra... HT Hue,NH Nguyen - 《Global Research in Higher Education》...
Theory & Practice in Language StudiesMaasoum, S. M. H., & Davtalab, H. (2011). An Analysis of Culture-specific Items in the Persian Translation of "Dubliners" Based on Newmark‟s Model.Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 1(12), 1767-1779...
Culture-specific items are full of cultural features,which lead to cultural loss at different levels during the translation process.As a compensatory strategy,annotation can make the best of both domestication and foreignization and has special advantages of clearing Westerners' misunderstanding and promoti...
Translation is a difficult phenomenon because it is concerned not only with a pair of languages but also with the cultural aspects that languages are related to. One of these aspects consists of culture-specific items (CSIs)鈥攎aterial or spiritual concepts that are present in one culture and ...
2.Culture-specificitems 下载积分: 400 内容提示: Table of contents 1. Introduction ___ 0 2. Culture-specific items ___ 2 3. Bridget Jones ___ 3 3.1 The author of the book ___
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Culture-Specific Items (CSI) and their Translation Strategies in Martin Lindstrom's Brand Sense 来自 学术范 喜欢 0 阅读量: 149 作者:D. Blayte,V. Liubiniene 摘要: Cultural references in source texts are recognized as probably the most troublesome elements of a translation, raising not only ...
The author argues that translation teachers should guide students to find appropriate strategies to translate cultural expressions by carefully examining the relevant social and cultural factors contained therein.Some examples are then presented to demonstrate the strategies for translating cultural expressions,...
1.The cultural context and the translation of culture-specific items;文化语境与文化专有项的翻译 2.This paper makes an attempt to resort to the theory of culture-specific items and statistical analysis and that of examples in order to examine the translation strategies of such items in Wen Xin...