CLZ Movies MobileUpdates v9.7: Security updateMar 03, 2025v9.6: Better barcode scanningJan 09, 2025v9.5: New app icon to fit our new company name and logoOct 12, 2024v9.4: Several improvements and fixesSep 27, 2024v9.3.2 New “search for…” suggestions when adding movies by titleAug ...
Catalog your collection of CDs and vinyl records, DVDs and Blu-rays, books, comic books or video games. Use the Connect web-based software, install the CLZ mobile app on your iPhone, iPad or Android device, or use the downloadable Collector software on y
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Catalog your collection of CDs and vinyl records, DVDs and Blu-rays, books, comic books or video games. Use the Connect web-based software, install the CLZ mobile app on your iPhone, iPad or Android device, or use the downloadable Collector software on y
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