Following CD11chighMHCII þ DC subsets were sorted and analyzed in a gene expression microarray: (1) CD103 þ CD11b À , (2) CD103 þ CD11b þ , and (3) CD103 À CD11b þ . (b) Transcript heat map of the B640 genes that are at least twofold differentially expressed ...
(F) Frequency of MHCIIhiCD11c+Ly6C−CD64−CD103−CD11b−IRF8+ (IRF8+ DN) cells in bone marrow, blood, and tumors of B16-tumor-bearing mice analyzed 2 days after nine daily injections of FL or PBS. Shown is the mean ± SEM of one experiment (n = 5). (G) Frequency of ...
In the steady state this population has been suggested to contain cDCs that have migrated from the SI-LP28 and potentially some resident CD8a þ and CD11b þ cDCs that have upregulated MHC-II upon activation. Within the CD11c þ MHC-IIhi population, DP but not SP or CD103 À cDC...
In contrast, the CD11c þ MHCII þ CD103 À CD11b þ cells were heterogeneous. Although B85% of this population were F4/80 þ CD64 þ mfs, the remainder were entirely nega- tive for both CD64 and F4/80, suggesting they may be DCs (Figure 1a,b). Identical subsets of CD...
M290 was detected on CD11c+MHCII + cells in MLN and SI-LP but less in the spleen, consistent with previ- ous observations that CD103 + DCs are rare in the spleen.4,5 A similar proportion of CD103 + DCs was observed in unin- jected mice after staining for CD103 in vitro (data ...
Macrophages universally express CD11b and high levels of CX3CR1-GFP (green fluorescent protein). Among F4/80lo cells, MHCIIhi CD11c+ cells were gated as DCs, and further split into CD103− CD11b− (P1), CD103− CD11b+ (P2), CD103+ CD11b+ (P3), and CD103+ CD11b− (P4...
TGFβR1 signalling controls dendritic cell homeostasis in the intestine.aExpression of CD103 and CD11b by live CD45+CD11c+MHCII+CD64−DC (left) and relative frequencies of DC subsets (right) in the SILP ofRag1−/−Tgfbr1fl/flmice (Rag1−/−Cre−) orRag1−/−CD11c-Cre....
(C) Top: cDC subsets (gated on CD45+CD11c+MHCII+F4/80−) within PyMT tumors of chimeric C57BL/6J animals reconstituted with Zbtb46-DTR bone marrow and treated with diphtheria toxin (DT) as indicated. Bottom: the percentage of each cDC subset within the spleens or tumors of mice treat...
CD11c þ MHCII þ CD64 þ macrophages from LP of DC-LMP/ CD40-mice show significantly elevated levels of inflammatory Il23a, Il12a and Il1b (Fig. 3b). This data suggests that macrophages, which increase massively in T cell dependent colitis models27, contribute to colitis also in DC-...
RA or bile at the concentrations used had no significant effect on the total number or proportion of MHCII+CD11c+ cells in these cultures, or on the expres- sion levels of MHCII (data not shown). In vitro DC-T-cell cultures MLN DCs or day 8 BM-DCs were pulsed with OVA for 2 h ...