Apache C++ Standard Library:是一系列算法,容器,迭代器和其他基本组件的集合 ASL:Adobe源代码库提供...
The ROS client library in C++. The link to the latest rclcpp API documentation, which includes a complete list of its main components and features, can be found on the rclcpp package info page, at the [ROS Index](https://index.ros.org/p/rclcpp/). The link to the latest rclcpp API ...
*/oss_request_options_t*oss_client_options;/* 在内存池中分配内存给options。*/oss_client_options = oss_request_options_create(pool);/* 初始化Client的选项oss_client_options。*/init_options(oss_client_options);/* 初始化参数 */aos_string_tbucket;oss_logging_config_content_t*content;aos_table...
Hiredis - A minimalistic C client library for the Redis database. [BSD] Infinity - The AI-native database built for LLM applications, providing incredibly fast vector and full-text search. [Apache2] Kuzu - Embeddable property graph database management system built for query speed and scalability...
web端集成mqtt的客户端,接入MQTT服务器,然后通过推送给windows本地服务下发控制指令,比方开始广播、停止广播等指令! windows本地服务接收到推送指令后,调用相应的功能模块提供的API,完成本地的功能调用,并将结果通过推送通知到web端! mqtt推送指令中使用json作为消息体,传递控制和回应消息,请求格式和相应格式如下图: ...
c lh current liabilit c ss client server sy c achieved a very sim c and j films c annunciator c assign channels bas c biology c cabinet bid c calculate c chan kwok wa c design chair c c drafts at c elisa kit c emonade c exchange c gmp c hubert h parry c language library c ...
(6)c++ sockets library 封装了sockets C API的C++类库。 支持SSL, IPv6, tcp 和 udp sockets, sctp sockets, http协议, 高度可定制的错误处理。 http://www.alhem.net/Sockets/ (7)libcurl libcurl是免费的轻量级的客户端网络库,支持DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, Gopher, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP,...
cleisostoma uraiense cleistogenes hackeli cleistogenes hancei k cleistogenes spuarros cleistogenes squarros clelia clel clematis angustifolia clematis apiifolia clematis argentilucid clematis buchananiana clematis courtoisii clematis hybrids clematis illensis clematis kirilowii va clematis macropetala clematis ...
[out, retval] long *pLong); }; [version(1.0), uuid(29079a2c - 5f3f - 3325 - 99a1 - 3ec9c40988bb)] library Foo { importlib("stdole2.tlb"); importlib("olepro32.dll"); [ version(1.0), appobject,uuid(9e66a294 - 4365 - 11d2 - a997 - 00c04fa37ddb) ] coclass CFoo { ...
1.1 一个项目入门 C++ 足以:CPlusPlusThings CPlusPlusThings 是国人开源一个 C++ 学习项目。它系统地将...