5、this scene is called exterior.blend. This scene contains a tricycle, which we will light as if it were a product being promoted for a company.我们将要使用的场景文件叫exterior.blend。这个场景包含一个三轮车,我们将假设它是一个公司的宣传产品来设置照明布局。To download the files for this tutor...
例如,如果我们使用红色箭头在 3D 视口中平移立方体,我们会得到命令日志中清单 1-1 所示的输出。 bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(3.05332,0,0), constraint_axis=(True,False,False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_...
Useful examples are XYZ and TRANSLATION, which will display X, Y, Z, and W ahead of your first four variables in the UI. Another notable example is subtype="COLOR", which will create an attractive color selection UI when added to a panel. See Listing 5-4 and Figure 5-4 for an examp...
Press 3 to view along the -X axis (FRONT) Press control+3 to view along the +X axis (BACK) Press 7 to view along the -Z axis (TOP) Press control+7 to view along the +Z axis (BOTTOM) Press 0 to view through the active camera You can also use the GUI tools provided in your...
4. Move the vertices at the back of the bottom of the foot backward along the y-axis to create the s 53、hape of a heel.朝Y轴向后移动脚底后面的顶点创建出脚跟。5. Select the faces at the front of the foot geometry and align them along the y-axis, as shown in Figure 3.16. Use ...
Is it in front? of, to the side, or even behin?d the objec?t? 灯光来自哪?里?是前面,还是侧边或?是物体的后?面? ° Remem?ber, light? is refle?cted and refra?cted until? all energ?y is absor?bed; this not only affec?ts the color? of the light?, but the quali?ty as ...
Hold down Shift while using the numpad to set the view axis. 以7,1,3 个视图作为基础。然后寻找从上往下 看到的第一个面。然后显示这个面。 这就是align view to alive 28 Align Active Camera to View Ctrl-Alt-Numpad0 将照相机 指向 当前视图的中心 ...
- Transformation Constrains help you position/rotate or scale your objects in 3d space easily (constrains include: only move alongside world Y axis, only move alongside local XZ plane, etc.). - Use custom positioned 3D Cursor as a pivot for your rotation and scaling to ensure perfect p...
Moving Around in Blender (2)Moving Objects in Blender (3)Adding Objects (4)Duplication (5)Shade Smooth vs Shade Flat (6)Modifiers (6)Subsurf Modifier (7)Solidify Modifier (7)Arranging Modifiers (7)Edit Mode (7)Proportional Editing (8)X-Ray Mode (9)Subdivide (9)Render View (10)Parenting...