F11 Show Last Render 回显上个渲染 General——通用 Shift+A Add Object 添加物体菜单 ESC Stops ongoing operation——停止当前操作 TAB Toggles Edit/Object mode——切换编辑/物体模式 Z Toggles Solid/Wireframe display——切换实体/线框显示模式 Ctrl+G Add to Group 添加到群组 X Delete 删除 Ctrl+Z Undo...
Display:显示属性,包括Only Render(仅显示渲染物体)、Outline Selected(显示在大纲编辑器中选择的物体)、All Object Origins(显示所有物体的原心)、Relationship Li 35、nes(显示物体间的关系)、All Edges(显示所有的线框边)、Grid Floor(网格显示属性)、Shading(着色预览模式)、Toggle Quad View(快速划分视图)。
Deletes all selected strips as well as any strips that are inputs of those strips. For example, deleting a transform strip with this operator will also delete the strip it was transforming. ShortcutFunctionDemo Delete Delete strips and remove any other strips in the timeline with the same sou...
Step 1 导出FBX(Export FBX) 我们想单独导出武器网格,这就是为什么我们选择除去Staff Mesh的所有物件,我的观点,最可靠的方式是通过更改为Object Mode并通过单击然后取消选择所有内容,然后按住Shift并首先很选择网格,最后是Armature,选择所有内容后,请转到左下角的文件导出FBX,可以在主标签上看到导出设置。(2.79与2.8版...
Only Deform Bones 勾选它时,导出的文件要小一点,在我们的Case中,它不会有太大的区别。但是还是推荐勾选这个选项。 Add Leaf Bones 将最后一个骨骼附加到每个骨骼的末端以指定最后一个骨骼长度。 当打算从导出的数据编辑Armature时,推荐勾选此选项 保持其它设置为默认。
Eye Icon- This Quick Preview allows you to apply a low-resolution, watermarked preview to the selected object. (Only applicable for materials currently) Download- This will download the asset at the default* resolution. Down Arrow- This Quick Menu allows you to view a larger thumbnail and quic...
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')# Set the 'select' property of the datablock to Truebpy.data.objects[objName].select =True# Select only 'Cube'mySelector('Cube')# Select 'Sphere', keeping other selectionsmySelector('Sphere', additive=True)# Translate selected objects 1 unit ...
Eye Icon- This Quick Preview allows you to apply a low-resolution, watermarked preview to the selected object. (Only applicable for materials currently) Download- This will download the asset at the default* resolution. Down Arrow- This Quick Menu allows you to view a larger thumbnail and quic...
33、包括only render仅显示渲染物体、outlineselected 显示在大纲编辑器中选择的物体、all object origins显示所有物体的原心、relationshiplines显示物体间的关系 、alledges显示所有的线框边 、gridfloor网格显示属性、shading 着色预览模式、toggle quad view快速划分视图。grease pencil:视图绘制属性,包括add new layer 新...
Global view shows all of the 3D objects in the scene. Local view isolates the selected object or objects, so that they are the only ones visible in the viewport. This is useful for working on objects that are obscured by other ones, or to speed up viewport performance in heavy scenes. ...