1.Bridge桥接(左下角可设置段数和扭曲度) 2.平化 3.圆环 Extra Object(添加曲线) 在添加曲线中会增加新内容 比如可以使用Archemedian生成圆柱螺旋曲线 导入图像为平面(使图像作为能渲染出来的背景) 非内置插件: Auto-Rig Pro 快速骨骼绑定 如果打不开请重启blender或者更新blende和插件尽量保持最新版本 使用方法 ...
Select the armature object If you don’t use Auto-rig Pro : Smart, first scale the armature in object mode so that it globally fits the character height Show the ARP interface: pressN keyto display the properties panel at the right of the viewport, look for theARPtab Auto Rig Pro>Rigt...
许久没有更新文章了,刚好最近准备开始学习blender,整理了一份快捷键清单,欢迎大家补充 功能快捷键布局(Layout)左键单击(Left Click)[LEFT CLICK](左键单击)右键单击(Right Click)[RIGHT CLICK](右键单…
添加物体:Shift+A 全选物体:A 框选物体:B 反选物体:Ctrl+I 删除物体:X 重复上一步操作:Shift+R...
meshes_to_remove=[]forobinbpy.context.selected_objects: # 遍历所有被选择的对象 meshes_to_remove.append(ob.data) # 将对象的数据(网格)添加到待删除列表 # 删除场景中的物体,注意use_global=False表示仅在当前场景删除物体 bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False) ...
I am discovering this add on and this is not a tutorial how to use it Leave theedit modeand go back toObject mode(using TAB) Be sure you are in theobject mode(1) Be sure your object is selected (2) Go to themodifier Properties(3) ...
Select the icon to the left of View, and then select the Shader Editor. With the duplicate 3D object selected, select Add > Texture > Image Texture. Select or click to place the image texture node in the window. Drag the yellow node link (the yellow dot) labeled Color in the image te...
At this point the measurement from the origin of the current object to the 3D cursor is shown. These measurements are updated as you move the 3D cursor and when you move the selected object. In the properties panel (N) it is now possible to precisely position an object by directly enterin...
Import/Apply- If already downloaded, this will import the asset into Blender. If this is a material asset and an object is selected, it will read as Apply, and will automatically apply the material to the selected object. If no object is selected, it will load the material into memory wi...
Blender addon - Apply all Modifiers of selected objects Useful if you have lots of objects and just want to apply all modifiers (Boolean, Solidify, Array, ...) to them in one go. Usage Select the objects to which you want to apply the modifiers to, then go to Object > Apply > Apply...