点击 Tab 切换到编辑模式。如您所见,左上角有 3 种选择模式:Vertex select,Edge select,Face select. Preview 单击Edge select,然后选择开放结构周围的边缘。如果边缘是连续的,您可以按住 Alt 并单击其中一个边缘以将它们全部选中。选择所有边缘为封闭路径后,按 F 键填充它。 Preview 很简单,对吧?可惜现实世界总...
To enter Edit mode, select the object to be edited and press Tab. You’ll see that the object turns yellow and all of the edges highlight. Look down to the bottom toolbar, to three icons that show little cubes. These icons tell you which select mode you are in: vertex mode (left ...
To create a new 3D object, click on the "Add" menu in the 3D view toolbar. You can then select from a range of primitive objects such as cubes, spheres, and cylinders. You can also import models created in other software or download pre-made models from Cargo. Cargo is a free softw...
终于找到这篇英文的,How to Use Blender Physics, 有时打开很慢,终于实现了立方体自由落体到斜面上碰撞...
bpy.data.objects[bl_first_bone_name].select_set(True) bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='ARMATURE_AUTO')#create second constraint bonebl_second_bone_location=bl_first_bone_location+Vector((0,5,0)) bpy.ops.object.armature_add(location=bl_second_bone_location)#how to set relative locationbpy....
Finally, we need to set our camera to how we want it. To do this, select the camera object in the object collection (top right) then set the following values:In the object properties panel, set the location X and Y values to 0, and the Z to 3....
The easiest way that I've found to do it, is to select all the parts of your model (if your scene is blank a simple double tap of the a button should suffice) and then to make sure we move it straight, hit the 5 key on your numpad (if you have one) to enter orthographic mode...
c. Select Duplicate Objects. d. Press Spacebar.Prepare materials for texture bakingSelect the duplicate model, and then select the Materials tab to go the Materials panel. Delete all the materials for the duplicate 3D object by selecting the minus sign to the right of the materials. To hide...
Select the screw and add a boolean modifier The object is still visible, because only the screw is affected, we must hide this "top screw print" but before we hide this part (so we can see the boolean operation) we must "parent" it to the screw body. Why ? Because if later on we...
Poly Source : is designed to simplify the control of the number of different types of polygons. You can see how many Gone, Quad and Tris are on the active object. Sculpt: Blender-Sculpt-Tools : Addon for help sculpting base mesh like Zbrush with Zsphere. Sculpt Alphas Manager : This ...