Band-edge exciton states in AlN single crystals and epitaxial layers. Chen L,Skromme BJ,Dalmau RF, et al. Applied Physics . 2004L. Chen, B. Skromme, R. Dalmau, R. Schlesser, Z. Sitar, C. Chen, W. Sun, et al., "Band-edge exciton states in AlN single crystals and epitaxial ...
Biexciton emission is evidenced at room temperature, with binding energy of about 45meV and a lifetime of 80ps. At low temperature, exciton state splitting is observed, which is caused by the electron-hole exchange interaction. Transient photoluminescence resolves the low-lying dark exciton state,...
We present a theoretical analysis of the band-edge exciton structure in nanometer-size crystallites of direct semiconductors with a cubic lattice structure or a hexagonal lattice structure which can be described within the framework of a quasicubic model. The lowest energy exciton, eightfold degenerate...
Furthermore, our model relates the k values of the free exciton, bound exciton, and the free-to-bound transitions. The results are in excellent agreement with experimental data. 展开 关键词: III-V semiconductors II-VI semiconductors III-V and II-VI semiconductors ...
ExcitonLuminescenceWe studied deformation effects on band-edge luminescence of pure hexagonal boron nitride single crystals. After simple deformation of the single crystals at room temperature, the band-edge luminescence showed a dramatic change, originating from stacking disorder, in the peak wavelength....
Specifically, electrically tunable SHG was theoretically studied using plasmonic resonances in doped graphene nanoislands26 and experimentally realized based on strong exciton charging effects in monolayers of WSe227. Electric-field-controlled SHG in 2D materials also has many limitations. For example, ...
From the observed spectra of Li and Na doped crystals we conclude that the emission lines at λ = 3696.58 and λ = 3692.66 are due to an exciton bound to a neutral Li and Na acceptor, respectively. The binding energies of the exciton to these acceptors are 24.3 meV for Li and 20.4 ...
Quantum-confinement effects shift the observed free-exciton edge above the bulk strained band-gap energy, and also influence the relative intensities of the three TO-phonon replicas. 展开 关键词: photoluminescence temperatures free-exciton luminescence excitons ...
Continuous‐wave and time‐resolved photoluminescence spectroscopies have been employed to study the band‐edge transitions in GaN epitaxial layers grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. In addition to the neutral‐donor‐bound exciton transition (theI2line), a transition line at about 83 me...
Single band-edge states can trap light and function as high-quality optical feedback for microscale lasers and nanolasers. However, access to more than a single band-edge mode for nanolasing has not been possible because of limited cavity designs. Here,