In this work, we report on the characterization of near band edge excitation by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). This technique is operated in a Transmission Electron Microscope and allows to rely the structure of a material obtained by HR-TEM with its chemical and physical properties ...
请问band-edge excitation 和 above-gap excitation的区别。谢谢!发自小木虫IOS客户端 ...
请问band-edge excitation 和 above-gap excitation的区别。谢谢!发自小木虫IOS客户端 ...
Remarkably, the tunable conduction/valence band edge of few-layer phosphorene with the number of layers potentially provides a practical means to enhance the performance of its contact with various metal electrodes. However, for real applications, the environmental effects due to impurity and substrate...
We show that Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices with broken time-reversal symmetry can support chiral edge modes originating from nontrivial bulk excitation band topology. To be specific, we analyze a Bose-Hubbard extension of the Haldane model, which can be realized with recently ...
Using ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we conclude that the dynamic band structure is caused by a photoinduced shear strain in the Te film that breaks the screw symmetry of the crystal. The band-edge anisotropy is also reflected in the hot carrier decay rate, which is ...
Near the conduction band edge, an electron can be described as a particle of mass mC confined to a three-dimensional cubic box of dimension d with perfectly reflecting walls, i.e., a three-dimensional infinite rectangular potential well. ...
The excitation power dependence of the near band edge photoluminescence of II-VI semiconductors Schmidt T,Daniel G,Lischka K.The excitation power dependence of the near band edge photoluminescence ofⅡ-Ⅵsemiconductors.Journal of Crystal Growth. 1992... T Schmidt,G Daniel,K Lischka - 《Journal of...
请问band-edge excitation 和 above-gap excitation的区别。谢谢!发自小木虫IOS客户端 ...
g, Schematic illustration of the electronic structure of electron-doped black phosphorus with occupied CB edge. Direct optical transition from VB to CB is forbidden on near-resonance pumping. h–l, Similar results as b–f but in electron-doped sample using pump pulses with photon energy of 400...