The SIMS spectra of Ag, Pd and a 79% PdAg alloy exposed to CO have been investigated. Exposure of a Ag foil to 10 6 Torr CO resulted in no measurable metal 顥窩O clusters. On Pd foil, however, CO adsorption reached saturation after 3 L exposure as indicated by the rise in Pd +,...
The advantage of using irises rather than apertures is that any analysis area can be chosen within the permitted range. The analysis area, therefore, can be closely matched to the size of the feature being analyzed, maximizing the signal. Small-area spectra with a lateral resolut...
Interpretation of XPS spectra Ag3d region has well-separated spin-orbit components (Δmetal=6.0eV). Peaks have asymmetric peak shape for metal. Loss features are observed to higher binding energy side of each spin-orbit component for Ag metal. Small binding energy shifts for com...
12 Surface Science Spectra (SSS), Spectral data for XPS, AES, and SIMS. An official journal of the American Vacuum Society (AVS), see: 表2 钛 2p3/2 轨道的几种钛化学态结合能 No.1 注意事项 虽然材料的氧化态与结合能存在关联,但它并不是决定峰位和峰... XPS Spectra The XPS technique is used to investigate the chemistry at the surface of a sample. Figure 1: Schematic of an XPS instrument. The basic mechanism behind an XPS instrument is illustrated in Figure 1. Photons of a specific energy are used to excite the electronic ...
12 Surface Science Spectra (SSS), Spectral data for XPS, AES, and SIMS. An official journal of the American Vacuum Society (AVS), see: 表2 钛 2p3/2 轨道的几种钛化学态结合能 No.1 注意事项 ...
8.Handbook of X Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy_ A Reference Book of Standard Spectra for Identification and Interpretation of XPS Data 9.Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) 10.High Resolution XPS of Organic Polymers—The Scienta ESCA300 Database ...
Interpretation of XPS spectra Ag3d region has well-separated spin-orbit components (Δmetal=6.0eV). Peaks have asymmetric peak shape for metal. Loss features are observed to higher binding energy side of each spin-orbit component for Ag metal. Small binding energy shifts for compounds, such ...
12 Surface Science Spectra (SSS), Spectral data for XPS, AES, and SIMS. An official journal of the American Vacuum Society (AVS), see: 表2 钛 2p3/2 轨道的几种钛化学态结合能 No.1 注意事项 ...
8.Handbookof X Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy_ A Reference Book of Standard Spectra for Identification and Interpretation of XPS Data 9.HardX-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) 10.HighResolution XPS of Organic Polymers—TheScientaESCA300 Database ...