XPS analysisXPS backgroundThe recent advances in the inelastic background analysis of XPS spectra recorded with hard X-rays (HAXPES) make this method a powerful, non-destructive solution to retrieve the depth distribution of deeply buried elements. In this work, we apply this technique to study ...
Instrument Buying Factors Jump to: XPSDatabase.NET of XPS Reference Spectra, Peak-fits & Six (6) BE Tables Click an Element to view Raw and Processed XPS Spectra, and XPS BE Tables A bight blue asterisk mark (*) indicates full data-sets from 5-10 chemical compounds. 6C* has 40 links...
(a) XPS survey spectra of B-S, P-S, M-S and F-S. The y-axis is represented as counts per second (cps). The peaks assignable to constituent elements are labeled. The survey spectra were used for calculating surface atomic composition. The high resolution C1s XPS spectra are shown as ...
e) N 1s and C 1s XPS spectra of the Zn foil soaked in the CB[7]/water solution. (f) Adsorption energies of different molecules on Zn (002).
XPS spectra of the modified surface. (a) XPS survey spectra of the untreated and modified PTFE surfaces. (b) Deconvoluted C1s spectra showing the appearance of C-O and C = O bonds from the coating layer. Full size image Aside from the embossed surface and enhanced water wettability, ...
The interpretation of C1s XPS spectra from disordered oxygenated carbons remains uncertain despite a variety of schemes reported in the literature. Here, a thermoseries of cellulose chars was studied to evaluate six published deconvolution schemes; however, none were capable of correctly identifying the...
respectively. The powder samples where mounted on carbon tape with care to limit contamination. The pressed powders were hundreds of μm thick and the photoelectron escape depth is in the nm scale [66], and therefore the carbon tape did not contribute to any of the XPS spectra. To determine...
Typical Raman spectra of graphene film and functionalized graphene film electrode in this work. Full size image Figure4depicts the XPS survey spectra on the surface of developed graphene film biosensor before and after surface electrochemical oxidation, where peak areas around 284 eV and 532 eV...
1 shows the high-resolution XPS spectra of the C1s region for a lamellar GO film, which indicates a considerable degree of oxidation with five components that correspond to carbon atoms bonded to different oxygen functional groups. These are30,42,43,44: non-oxygenated ring C = C (∼...
30 The XPS survey spectra data also exhibits the O1s peak at 533 eV corresponding to the O in water31, 32 only from ZnPc NW. The O1s peak disappears when the sample is vacuum annealed (Supplementary Figure S7b). The preferred adsorption of water to ZnPc NW occurs through hydrogen ...