XPS survey scan spectra (obtained at an emission angle of 90°) of the PS-b-(PMMAco-PMAA(CdS)) brushes (with 26.1 nm PS and 5.2 nm PMMA-co-PMAA(CdS)) after treatment with (a) acetone/ethanol (1:1) and (b) toluene. Mole Contents of Carbon, Oxygen, Cadmium, and Sulfur The inte...
C KLL acquisition conditions: Pass energy=100eV, step size=0.5eV, 100 scans, scan range binding energy=1,190eV-1,246eV. Charge neutralization may be required, especially for functionalized graphene/graphite or diamond. Interpretation of XPS spectra ...
1. The standard C 1s peak is detected at 284.80 eV in the survey scan spectra as a reference and is also included in the narrow scan. In the survey scan spectra, the intensity peaks at 66.50, 284.50, 529.50 and 854.48 eV are Ni 3p, C 1s, O 1s and Ni 2p, respectively. Fig. 2 ...
C KLL acquisition conditions: Pass energy=100eV, step size=0.5eV, 100 scans, scan range binding energy=1,190eV-1,246eV. Charge neutralization may be required, especially for functionalized graphene/graphite or diamond. Interpretation of XPS spectra ...
C KLL acquisition conditions: Pass energy=100eV, step size=0.5eV, 100 scans, scan range binding energy=1,190eV-1,246eV. Charge neutralization may be required, especially for functionalized graphene/graphite or diamond. Interpretation of XPS spectra The C1s spectrum from a sample with hi...
XPS spectra Survey Spectrum 定性分析 2016-6-14 5 表面分析 方法 Narrow Spectra s轨道丌发生自旋分裂,对应单峰;p, d, f轨道存在自旋分裂,产生双峰。 化学态辨识不半定量分析 2p1/2 2p3/2 = 1 2 3d3/2 3d5/2 = 2 3 4f5/2 4f7/2 = 7、3 4 How to identify? 化学位秱: 表面分析 方法 ...
数据采集-全扫描谱(Surveyscan) 1.因C,O是经常出现的,所以首先识别C,O的光电子谱线,Auger线及属于C,O的 其他类型的谱线; 2.其次鉴别样品中主要元素的强谱线和有关的次强谱线,利用X射线光电子谱手册中的 各元素的峰位表确定其他强峰对应的元素,并标出其相关峰,注意有些元素的个别峰可 能相互干扰或重...
XPS survey spectra.Chao PengJianying YuZhijie ZhaoJing DaiJingyi FuMeiling ZhaoWei Wang
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斑斑分分辨更好辨更好 l成成像像面积面积受透镜模受透镜模式和式和束束斑斑大大小小限限制制 O 1sN 1s 高高分分辨辨快速快速化化学学元素元素成成像像 lFrom an Insulating Micromachined Device lSurvey spectrum obtained in 20 s using Al Ka monochromated X- rays Montage of F 1s spectra showing that ...