文献出处:PhotochemicalSynthesisofAuCore@PtShellNanoparticlesinCitrateSolutionSystem 在柠檬酸盐溶液体系中金核@铂壳纳米粒子的光化学合成 目的:利用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)分析了复合纳米粒子的表面化学态和它们的结构,证实形成的Au@Pt纳米粒子为核-壳结构 结果证明均为金核铂壳结构 ...
18、ulation of Caffeine in MOFIII. 主主-客体相互作用客体相互作用(MOFs)Figure 2. N 1s XPS spectra of CAFZIF-8_EX (8 h) and CAFZIF-8_IN; caffeine and commercial ZIF-8 spectra for comparison.Figure 1. detail of caffeine interactionswith the MOF along direction 111.ACS Appl. Mater. Int...
Principal component analysis and curve fitting of Ce 3d and O 1s core-level spectra were used to determine the types of valence states and their proportions on the catalysts' surface. The study revealed valence state modifications in cerium and changes in the amount of lattice oxygen depending ...
FromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia 3 主要内容 XPS的基本原理光电子能谱仪实验技术 XPS在配合物中的应用 4 1.1XPS的基本原理 XPS是由瑞典Uppsala大学的K.Siegbahn及其同事历经近20年的潜心研究于60年代中期研制开发出的一种新型表面分析仪器和方法。鉴于K.Siegbahn教授对发展XPS领域做出的重大贡献,他...
spectra of composite surfaces A8265J Heterogeneous catalysis at surfaces and other surface reactions A6820 Solid surface structure A7170E Spin-orbit coupling, Zeeman, Stark and strain splitting (condensed matter) A7320A Surface states, band structure, electron density of states/ temperature 6.73E+02 ...
samples with Mn/Ce ratios ranging from 0/10 to 9/1—molar basis—were synthesized by co-precipitation and characterized as-prepared and after gold coating. Principal component analysis and curve fitting of Ce 3d and O 1s core-level spectra were used to determine the types of valence states...
forme onitssurface.Butthiscolourcan ’ tmeetthe eman sofculturalrelics conservation.AMTcompositeregentACNcanremove pow eryrusteffectivelyan rapi ly , the protectiveperformanceoffilmsforme bythatisalsosuperiortothatoffilmsforme byAMTalone.In themeantime , thecolourcanmeetthenee sofculturalrelicsconservation....
condensation A6817 Monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett films A8265M Sorption and accommodation coefficients (surface chemistry) A6855 Thin film growth, structure, and epitaxy A7960G Photoelectron spectra of composite surfaces A6845B Sorption equilibrium at solid-fluid interfaces/ Pt/sur Pt /el Cu/ads ...
Active Oxygen Species of Co-V-O Catalysts in Propane Oxidative Dehydrogenation Analyzed by FTIR and XPS Spectra FTIR和XPS光谱分析Co—V—O催化剂的丙烷氧化脱氢活性氧物种 15. Influence factors of adhesive property between mortar and XPS board in external thermal insulation composite systems based on ...
FromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia 3 主要内容 XPS的基本原理光电子能谱仪实验技术 XPS在配合物中的应用 4 1.1XPS的基本原理 XPS是由瑞典Uppsala大学的K.Siegbahn及其同事历经近20年的潜心研究于60年代中期研制开发出的一种新型表面分析仪器和方法。鉴于K.Siegbahn教授对发展XPS领域做出的重大贡献,他...