explore gene expression and functional elements of the genome that help predict an individual’s response to drug therapies. WGS is also used to study the evolution of infectious pathogens and mechanisms of disease-causing mutation. Find the right NGS solution for your project using ourinteractive ...
whole genome sequencing1000 Genomes ProjectSNPsindelsstructural variationsThe recent advances in sequencing technologies have enabled the whole human genome to be sequenced within weeks. To date, several human diploid genomes have been sequenced and the number of genomes being sequenced is expected to ...
Whole-genome sequencing delivers a comprehensive view, ideal for discovery applications. Newer genome sequencers perform WGS more rapidly than ever.
Learn about DuPont Pioneer’s ambitious plant pan-genome reference project. Download Scaling human whole genome sequencing for rare and inherited disease research Find out how PacBio HiFi whole genome sequencing is being used in rare disease research. Read more Bacterial genomes from the lakes ...
Whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) is an effective and reliable strategy to identify individually methylated cytosines on a genome-wide scale. With over 10 years of experience and the state-of-the-art next-generation sequencing platforms, we can totally meet your project requirements and ...
Genome Project (KGP), one of the largest published Korean WGS datasets19. We did not combine the variant calling results of the AMC healthy controls with those of the KGP dataset because the sequencing read depths and variant calling methods were different and the disease-status information of ...
DNA extraction and whole-genome sequencing Snap-frozen tissue samples from tumors and matched non-cancerous liver were obtained and embedded in OCT compound, sectioned by a cryostat, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. We performed macrodissection to enrich the tumor fraction relative to the do...
The human genome project was a ground-breaking scientific endeavour that not only gave us a near complete map of our genetic code but also paved the way for new innovative sequencing technologies and computational methods that have enabled the clinical application of genomics [1,2,3,4]. While ...
and if the minor allele frequency (MAF) was >0.1% in 1000 Genomes Project49, the ESP6500 data set from University of Washington’s Exome Sequencing Project (http://evs.gs.washington.edu/EVS/) or ExAC50. Manual review of variants in several genes was performed using the Integrative Genomics...
Can I analyze VCF data for my whole exome/whole genome sequence analysis project? Yes, you can analyze both raw sequencing data as well as VCF variant data for genome resequencing projects in Lasergene. When starting from VCF data, Lasergene will classify called variants by their effect on ...