What do single-stranded binding proteins do in DNA replication? What happens at a DNA replication fork during replication? Which molecule is active first during DNA replication? Why does DNA replication occur prior to mitosis? What DNA virus does not use the nucleus to replicate?
What does primase do in DNA replication? How does RNA participate in DNA replication? How is protein synthesis different from DNA replication? What is the role of ribosomes in protein synthesis? What do single-stranded binding proteins do in DNA replication?
et al. RPA-like mammalian Ctc1–Stn1–Ten1 complex binds to single-stranded DNA and protects telomeres independently of the Pot1 pathway. Mol. Cell 36, 193–206 (2009). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Surovtseva, Y. V. et al. Conserved telomere maintenance component 1 interacts with STN1 ...
A carrier molecule is a protein that helps transport a substance or electrons across a barrier. Carrier proteins usually allow the transport of polar... Learn more about this topic: Carrier Proteins | Definition, Functions & Examples from
Musashi 1 (MSI1) is an RNA-binding protein that is involved in neurodevelopmental processes. Also, ZIKV genome (a single-stranded positive-sense RNA) uses MSI1 for its replication. Here we perform an evolutionary analysis of MSI1 coding sequence and their orthologs in vertebrate species. We ...
A widely used antitumour agent causing single- and double-stranded breaks in cellular DNA, leading to genomic instability of damaged cells. Bleomycin induces apoptosis and increases the production of reactive oxygen species, resulting in oxidative stress and pulmonary fibrosis. Adenosine deaminase An enz...
They have their own polymerase enzyme and therefore do not heavily rely on that of the host.· Class IV viruses - This group includes orthomyxoviruses etc. They have a single-stranded (+) sense RNA and thus the genomic RNA has a similar sense to mRNA. They replicate in the cytoplasm ...
The Cas enzyme cuts both strands of the DNA double helix, and this “double-stranded break” creates worries over the precision of the cut.“Repairing a defective gene would be like finding a needle in a haystack and then removing that needle without disturbing a single strand of hay in ...
What chemical element is present in proteins and nucleic acids? What is the basic unit of DNA? What type of bond holds nucleotides together? What are organic macromolecules? What is single-stranded DNA-binding protein? What is the sugar in deoxyribonucleic acid called?
If a double stranded DNA molecule is 30% G, what are the percentages of the other bases? How are DNA binding proteins able to recognize a specific double-stranded DNA sequence? What do you call a single piece of coiled DNA? Explain. Why do scientists ...