(1998) The role of the 6 lysines and the terminal amine of Escherichia coli single-strand binding protein in its binding of single-stranded DNA. Protein Sci., 7, 1781-1788.Chen J, Smith DL, Griep MA. The role of the 6 lysines and the terminal amine of Escherichia coli single-strand...
2016, Journal of Hazardous Materials Citation Excerpt : The comet assay (alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis, SCGE) is a fast, efficient and very sensitive method for detecting DNA damage in individual cells. It detects primary DNA lesions including single-strand breaks, double-strand breaks, ...
The maturation of a miRNA from its pri-miRNA requires two processing steps: 1) the pri-miRNA is processed into a stem loop-structured precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA), and 2) the pre-miRNA is in turn processed into a duplex comprising miRNA and miRNA* (the opposite strand that pairs with ...
ImageJ was used for single protein band quantification, by calculating the relative intensities of the respective bands, with darker bands indicating a higher relative density. Some proteins still remained bound to the minerals even after boiling for 30 min in 10% SDS, indicating a very strong ...
Prenyl-binding protein (PrBP/δ) is a 17 kDa ubiquitous solubilization factor4,10,11. In its 3D structure, it is highly similar to other solubilization factors such as RhoGDI or UNC119 (uncoordination mutant 119 of C. elegans) despite a very low sequence identity of 10% and 24%, res...
1.2.1 Synthesisprocessingand function TranscriptionistheprocessbywhichtheRNAismadefromDNA.Duringtranscription, enzymescalledRNApolymerasemakesasinglestrandcopyofagenefromtheDNAinto mRNA.ThispartiallyprocessedRNAorunprocessedRNAistermedasprecursormRNAor pre-RNA.OncecompletelyprocessedthisRNAiscalledmaturemRNA[41,42]....
animal pathogen contamination and comparatively high yields. It has been estimated that the cost of pharmaceutical protein production in plants could be 10- to 50-fold lower than production of the same protein in mammals [10], [11]. Plants rapidly accumulate single-chain [12]C[15] and full-...
Colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF1) controls the growth and differentiation of macrophages.CSF1R signaling has been implicated in the maintenance of the intestinal stem cell niche and differentiation of Paneth cells, but evidence of expression of CSF1R within the crypt is equivocal. Here we show th...
The topology of the PcrA resembles a torus (see panel B of Fig. 2), with a single strand of DNA being translocated through, pushing apart the duplex. Figure 2 shows the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding site of PcrA helicase and the end of the DNA duplex. Slocombe et al.18,31 ...
Genome compaction is enhanced by clustered LLPS-promoting binding sites, whereas single genome packaging is most efficient when binding sites are distributed throughout the genome. These results suggest that many and variably positioned LLPS-promoting signals can support packaging in the absence of a ...