Mindfulness is talked about a lot in the recent months and it makes total sense. It is the balancing part to stress and stressful activities. That’s why I will show you 8 ways to be mindful today. This post contains affiliate links. breathe deeply throughout the day At some points in ...
Mindful eating is a wonderful way to introduce the idea of mindfulness to children. Before your child begins a meal, invite them to connect with the experience of eating by first observing what their food looks like, smells like, and sounds like. Inspire your child to explore al...
fall, come and go; mindful of all the different senses, but rather than thinking about them, judging them or analyzing them, simply acknowledging them; mindful of wanting to be somewhere else, of wishing time away; and mindful of wanting to scream out loud or put your foot down in the ...
Some benefits of incorporating mindfulness include increasing your students’ alertness and focus. Here are ten ways to incorporate daily mindfulness into your classroom: 1. Mindful Breathing Mindful breathing helps calm the mind and body when students feel stressed or anxious. The breaths could be de...
It teaches you to be content with your life, which increases your confidence. Related10 Daily Self Improvement Exercises In Less Than 10 Minutes So what if you’re single? Being mindful means being comfortable enough in your skin that you don’t assume anything is wrong with you – it’s ...
What I’ve come to learn is that beingalsoinvolves engagement and meaning in life.Meaningis what separates “doing” from “being.” We can sit still and meditate to discover more “being.”Andwe can go about our daily work, mindfully, and discover “being” too. Being mindful simply ...
What are you thankful for? Appreciate each moment. Be more mindful - after all, that’s what living a true wellness lifestyle is all about. That bird in the grass is alive and well. The tree that stands in the field is an emblem of life and a pure beacon of nature. The man in ...
stillness and mindfulness are something that you can insert right into your daily routine. And with enough patience and practice, you will soon find yourself living life with that much more passion and intention. So it’s important to be mindful of any internal blocks that could be keeping you...
7. Be mindful of awe. If there was a way to summarize all of the above ideas into a single, general, recommendation for you to apply, it would be this: learn to be mindful of opportunities to benefit from awe in your everyday life. ...
Learn what mindful leadership is, how it can benefit company culture, and characteristics of a mindful leader. Plus, 10 practices to help lead with mindfulness.