Five Ways to be Mindful in BusinessTom Evans
5 Ways to Be Mindful about Eating BetterSeptember is National Yoga Month, an awareness campaign focusedon the health benefits of yoga...Weintraub, LeeAnn
Getting rid of our devices altogether is probably not a realistic solution.I believe the solution is to be more mindfulwhile using our devices AND in reflecting on the role they play in our lives. 1. Ask yourself, why am I turning to my phone? So often, we turn to our phones simply ...
These were 8 ways to be more mindful today and everyday. Of course there is also simple meditation, but that’s what almost everyone connects with mindfulness and I wanted to show which activities can also be mindful. If you have some great tips to add please leave a comment down below....
Be mindful of your"why".If I need to clean the floor,but I really don't like cleaning,then I won't feel very motivated to do it.However,if I have a big enough reason to do it-because I'm having some guests to come over,or I love the feeling of having a clean floor,then ...
Of course, the problems arise when you don’t have as much money as you would like but get into lifestyle habits that are not sustainable in your current situation. To help keep you out of financial trouble, here are someways to be more mindful with your money. ...
Two Simple Ways to Be More Mindful This Year.engagementExecutiveCoachfocusManagementmindfulnessproductivityrelationshipsThe article presents the author's views how to become more mindful in 2016. He mentioned about Jeff Smith, financial services executive at Voltage Leadership Consulting, whose aim for ...
Practical Ways to Get Motivated Be mindful of your "why" If I need to clean the floor, but I really don't like cleaning, then I won't feel very motivated to do it. However, if I have a big enough reason to do it— because I'm having some guests to come over, or I love the...
It has influenced us to be more mindful of ways we,too mindful 经心,经意 It应该是蒙前省略,代指某人兢兢业业的榜样行为和事件,再次提到时用it。句意:那种做事倍加小心的作风,深深感染了我们。我们也确乎循此而为。
fall, come and go; mindful of all the different senses, but rather than thinking about them, judging them or analyzing them, simply acknowledging them; mindful of wanting to be somewhere else, of wishing time away; and mindful of wanting to scream out loud or put your foot down in the ...