所属专辑:专辑《how to relax》 喜欢下载分享 声音简介MINDFULNESS IN DAILY LIFEMindfulness is the continuous practice of touching deeply every moment ofdaily life. To be mindful is to be truly present with your body and your mind, toharmonize your intentions and actions, and to be in harmony wi...
And while there are many mindfulness exercises you can practice on a regular basis, learning how to be present in the moment is also a way of life. With practice, you can learn to live a more mindful life that allows you to become more conscious of everything you are doing. It can be...
Each of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness is generally seen as a stage of learning to be completely mindful in each moment. That is, the first stage is to focus on being aware of the body. This is often done by simply focusing one’s attention on the breath. From there, the rest of...
To practice mindful breathing, focus on how the breath enters your body as it travels down your nostrils, expands your chest, and exits your body. Notice the cool sensation as you inhale, the sensations as it travels, and the warmness as it exits. In some practices, the breath has 5 sta...
Mindfulness exercisessuch as checking in with yourself and connecting with your senses are good places to begin. Think about meal times. How often do you rush eating your food, not noticing how it tastes, feels, and smells? Mindful eating is a great way to return to the present moment. ...
Mindful Self-Compassion Training (MSC). Mindfulness pioneer Jon Kabot-Zinn said, “The richness of present-moment experience is the richness of life itself. Too often we let our thinking and our beliefs about what we ‘know’ prevent us from seeing things as they really are.” Our thoughts...
Δ Remembering & Recalling Critical Information BecomesEasyWith This... Stop needlessly forgetting! Enter your email below to get instant access to myexclusive coursethat will show you how to MASSIVELY improve your memory so you canremember important conversations, what you read, and even learn new...
When things are really heating up, it’s time to level up on your liquids – sports drinks containing electrolytes are a great option, helping replenish the lost salt from your body to help you stay hydrated. Just be mindful, a lot of sports drinks are high in sugar. Learn more about ...
While we’ve already considered how kids can learn to be mindful in daily life, it’s also worth giving consideration to deepening their mindfulness skills. This is especially useful for older children who have more patience, and who also have to deal with bigger challenges. ...
I hope I have all the time to continue the practice and be mindful of Buddha every moment. I will recommend your teachings to my friends and family members.”– Thanks & Regards, Mee Nah “Thank you very much for your sharing of Pure Land practice. I have enjoyed every session of ...