usage:vcffilter[options]<vcf file>options:-f,--info-filterspecifies afilterto apply to the info fields of records,removes alleles whichdonot pass thefilter-g,--genotype-filterspecifies afilterto apply to the genotype fields of records-k,--keep-info usedinconjunction with'-g',keeps variant i...
You can use VCFtools to filter out variants or individuals based on the values within the file. For example, to filter the sites within a file based upon their location in genome, use the options--chr,--from-bp, and--to-bpto specify the region. ./vcftools --vcf input_data.vcf --chr...
set_haploid_region在指定bed文件的所有区域中将倍性更改为单倍体-为更改区域中的任何杂合变体添加过滤器。 get_drawn_regions从gVCF创建一个称为被调用区域的bed文件。 配置流程 1.配置编译环境 安装相关依赖。 yum install zlib-devel bzip2 bzip2-devel-y 2.获取源码 获取“gvcftools-0.17.0”源码包。 cd/usr...