所有的ros::noed在启动时如果有设置[ros::param] \use_sim_time = true则节点的ROS::Time从/clock中获取,否则其值和ROS::WallTime一致。 观察现象: 在ROS_INFO输出的时间戳中可以观察到两者的差异。首先我们设置rosparam set /use_sim_time true 然后启动如下代码 : ...
rosparam set use_sim_time true 是一个在ROS(Robot Operating System)中设置参数的命令,具体用于将 /use_sim_time 参数设置为 true。下面我将详细解释这个命令的作用、使用场景以及如何验证其是否成功设置。 1. 作用 仿真时间模式:当 /use_sim_time 设置为 true 时,ROS系统将使用仿真时间而非实际(墙钟)时间...
即使将use_sim_timer置为true, Info 中的时间戳依旧与现实时间同步。这意味着如果要通过 Info 时间戳估计回调函数的调用频率,需要根据仿真时间因子进行换算。 换算方式。查看运行中的Gazebo的参数real_time_factor,确定仿真时间与现实时间的比率。举一个简单的例子:当回调函数的频率设置为 5Hz 时,Gazebo参数real_time...
Description I am trying to setup MoveIt2 with a UR5e in Gazebo Fortress. Everything works well apart from the sensors. I have a depth camera that also publishessensor_msgs/PointCloud2, Since I am running a simulation and the/clocktopic is present, I passeduse_sim_time:=trueto the move...
CYCLONEDDS_URI='<Domain id="any"><SharedMemory><Enable>true</></></>' # Running multiple ros nodes to increase chance of error while true; do ( ( ros2 run rclcpp_components component_container --ros-args -p use_sim_time:=true & sleep 1 pkill -INT -P $! ) & ) sleep 0.2 ...
If your current SIM card is not a 5G SIM, you may not be able to access the full benefits of a 5G network, and your device may default to using 4G or lower networks. To upgrade to a 5G SIM card, you can usually contact your mobile service provider. They will provide you with a ...
What to do if you want to use eSIM and SIM card at the same time To have two phone numbers or service providers for a single device, activate theeSIMor insert twoSIMcards. Differing from a physical nano-SIM card, an eSIM is an embedded digital SIM. Using both the nano-SIM card and...
SIM Cards When a mobile device enters a cell, it connects to the nearest BTS, registering its presence with the network's Home Location Register (HLR). A subscriber identity module (SIM) card, a small electronic chip containing specific information about the user and their mobile services, fac...
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