多个if 肯定没有一个Enum方便,所以 我们需要添加一个StaticEnum。 虽然有了StaticEnum, 但是项目中真正使用的时候,还需要提前创建好使用每个枚举值的材质实例,因为按照UE的规则,StaticSwitch(Enum)参数在UMaterial 中,只会编译出对应参数值的FMaterialResource,如果在MaterialInstance中复写了Static参数,那这个MaterialInsta...
诸如此类,可以说,当我放弃跟着一些文档和教程随波逐流之后,反倒是那些在通用框架上建立起来的知识体系,让我在回头审视 Unreal Engine 时,有了 ”不同寻常“ 的思考维度 —— 一个引擎里面应该有什么东西,哦,Unreal Engine里面也有,且做的很好。 因此,如果你还不具备中大型C++的工程能力,笔者建议你可以学习一下Q...
转换Byte, Int, Float, Vector, Rotator为String:转换数字为文本格式。 转换String为Vector, Rotator:尝试解析vector 或 rotator的文本格式。 转换String 为 Bool:转换大小写不敏感的单词"True"或"False"为True和False=;将会使任何非零数值转换为 =True;其它任何值转换为False。 转换Bool为String:结果不是"True"就...
Thank you to everyone who has guided and supported other developers on the Wiki and various Unreal Engine resources. And extra special thanks to@Erasio,@MonsOlympus,@nickglenndotcom,@FunAndFriendly, and all the individuals who have worked hard to bring together this new, community resource. Loo...
We have partnered with Nintendo to help Unreal Engine 4 developers bring their games to Nintendo Switch!We have added early support for developing games for the Nintendo Switch console. It is still considered experimental in this release. We plan for it to be in a shippable state in the next...
Byte to Enum EPCGComponentInput Write your own tutorials or read those from others
";//字符串需加上双引号constn ='James';//name需加上单引号consto = none;//空对象 相当于C/C++中的NULLconstoc =class'UTGame.UTPawn';//类模板(引号中不能有空格) class<UTPawn>constoc2 =class'UTBot';//类模板(引号中不能有空格) class<UTBot>constor = Texture2D'EngineResources.Default...
Unreal Engine is one of the most popular and accessible game engines in the industry, creating multiple job opportunities. Owing to C++ scripting's high performance, advanced algorithms, and engineering maintenance, it has become the industry standard for developing commercial games. However, C++ scri...
If you want to have an idea of what the plugin can do, jump here: https://github.com/20tab/UnrealEnginePython/blob/master/tutorials/YourFirstAutomatedPipeline.md In addition to this, the plugin automatically adds an actor class (PyActor), a pawn class (PyPawn), a character class (PyCha...