enum class ECharacterType : uint8 { Player, AI, NPC, Max // 枚举类型的最后一个元素,用于计算枚举值的大小 }; // 在一个类中使用这个枚举类型 class ACharacter : public AActor { public: // 声明一个名为CharacterType的成员变量,其类型为ECharacterType ECharacterType CharacterType; // 构造函数...
UENUM():UEnum,存储枚举的描述信息 UPROPERTY():FProperty,存储属性的描述信息 UFUNCTION():UFunction,存储函数的描述信息 UINTERFACE() :无 在这些宏的括号中,可以添加一些参数,供给相关系统使用,具体的配置请参阅: Reflection System in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation Objects in Unreal Engine ...
enum MyEnum { A }; TEnumAsByte<MyEnum> EnumValue; UPROPERTY(..., EditCondition="EnumValue == MyEnum::A") 枚举不实现除等于和不等于以及按位和 for 标志之外的任何比较。不支持结构内的属性,即使是内置结构,所以这不会解析: MyColor.R == 0 没有括号,所以这不会解析:(A || B) && (C ||...
一.反射注册类FReflectionRegistry 在Unlua插件中的ReflectionUtils文件夹中包含了反射注册类,及所有注册时Property,Function,Class,Enum的描述类(也可以理解为信息类) Unlua有一个专门存储反射注册信息的类FReflectionRegistry,该类包含了许多的map信息,其中保存了如UStruct和FClassDesc的对应关系,UFunction和UFunctionDesc的对...
* Enum for the extensions that a package payload can be stored under. * Each extension can be used by only one EPackageSegment * EPackageSegment::Header segment has multiple possible extensions * Use LexToString to convert an EPackageExtension to the extension string to append to a file's ...
support enum, FVector etc support operator overload in FVector or other struct class support extension method to add a non-blueprint function to uobject for lua use(extent bluepirnt function) call lua function from blueprint, vise versa detect dead loop code, report error if happen dead loop...
The parser matches rules to the tokenized input in order to interpret the grammar of the language and builds an AST. The source file is hlsl_parser.yy and is processed by bison to produce C code. Fully explaining the syntax used by bison is outside the scope of this document ...
enum { Value = !TAreTypesEqual<typename TCopyQualifiersFromTo<From, To>::Type, To>::Value }; }; 那么重新回到TWeakObjectPtr的赋值构造函数,使用这些模板类的目的在于检查只有在U类型的限定符不会在赋值时丢失时,才可以进行赋值操作。关于TWeakObjectPtr中的其他的函数就不再赘述,若大家感兴趣可以翻翻源码...
在Unity 环境中,C# 代码可以通过 IL2CPP(Intermediate Language to C++)技术调用 Objective-C 代码,IL2CPP是一种将.NET Intermediate Language (IL)代码转换为 C++ 代码的编译器技术。通过这种转换,Unity 可以将 C# 代码编译为本地代码,从而提高性能并允许与本地代码(如Objective-C或C++)的交互。
Unreal Engine 5 Game Development with C++ Scripting, published by Packt - officialyenum/Unreal-Engine-5-Game-Development-with-C-Scripting