1 Script可以控制InActive的GameObject,但前提是Script所依附的GameObject不能是InActive,一旦为InActive,自身所有控件均失效。2 SetActive(bool isActive)设置GameObject是否活动,设置后,其子类物体也会变成InActive,值得注意的是,4.0以后的版本Active分了两类,GameObject.activeSelf和GameObject.activeInHierarchy,当一...
2. 使用 Object.FindObjectsOfType(true); 该函数和 Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(type) 不一样,它不不返回任何资源(如网格、纹理、预制件)或设置了 HideFlags.DontSave 的对象。 并且该函数有两种类型的重载:一个是无参的,只返回活动的物体,另一个包含一个参数,该参数(inactiveObjects)为 true 时同时返回所...
SetActiveonly sets the local state of the GameObject, represented by the value ofGameObject.activeSelf. Changing the value ofGameObject.activeSelfhas no effect on the value ofGameObject.activeInHierarchyifactiveInHierarchyisfalsebecause of an inactive parent object. ...
Any public variable you make that derives from Object gets shown in the inspector as a drop target, allowing you to set the value from the GUI. namespace UnityEngine { using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UnityEngine.Internal; using Uni...
public int activeCount => pool.CountActive; public int inacitveCount => pool.CountInactive; public int totalCount => pool.CountAll; ObjectPool<T> pool; public void Initialize(bool checkPoolSize = true) { pool = new ObjectPool<T>(OnCreatePoolItem, OnGetPoolItem, OnReleasePoolItem, OnDest...
value Activate or deactivate the object, where true activates the GameObject and false deactivates the GameObject. Descripción Activates/Deactivates the GameObject, depending on the given true or false value. A GameObject may be inactive because a parent is not active. In that case, calling SetAct...
找到了一个即使隐藏root节点gameObject也能进行查找的方法。http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/52560/gameobjectfind-work-on-inactive-objects.html GameObject[] pAllObjects = (GameObject[])Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GameObject));foreach(GameObject pObjectinpAllObjects) ...
If a GameObject is inactive during start up, Awake is not called until it's made active OnEnable() 当场景开始运行时\ 当一个Object被enabled时会触发 前提是这个Object为active时 OnDisable() 当一个Object becomes disabled\inactive时 OnLevelWasLoaded() is to inform the game that a new level has ...
5.4.1. Asset duplication Unity 5's AssetBundle system will discover all dependencies of an Object when the Object is built into an AssetBundle. This dependency information is used to determine the set of Objects that will be included in an AssetBundle. Objects that are explicitly assigned to an...