1 Script可以控制InActive的GameObject,但前提是Script所依附的GameObject不能是InActive,一旦为InActive,自身所有控件均失效。2 SetActive(bool isActive)设置GameObject是否活动,设置后,其子类物体也会变成InActive,值得注意的是,4.0以后的版本Active分了两类,GameObject.activeSelf和GameObject.activeInHierarchy,当一...
1.Script可以控制InActive的GameObject,但前提是Script所依附的GameObject不能是InActive,一旦为InActive,自身所有控件均失效。 2.SetActive(bool isActive)设置GameObject是否活动,设置后,其子类物体也会变成InActive,值得注意的是,4.0以后的版本Active分了两类,GameObject.activeSelf和 GameObject.activeInHierarchy,当一个GameO...
//… then set the other object we just collided with to inactive. other.gameObject.SetActive(false);//Add one to the current value of our count variable.//Update the currently displayed count by calling the SetCountText function. SetCountText ();//This function updates the text displaying ...
GameObject.SetActive Leave feedback Switch to Manual Declarationpublic void SetActive(bool value); Parameters value The active state to set, where true sets the GameObject to active and false sets it to inactive.Description Activates or deactivates the GameObject locally, according to the value of...
it might also be called for prefabs or inactive game objects.Using the constructor when the class...
Awake: First lifecycle function called when a new instance of an object is created. Always called before anyStartfunctions. If a GameObject is inactive during start up,Awakeis not called until it is made active. OnEnable: Called when the object becomes enabled and active, always afterAwake(on...
当GameObject的Reset按钮被按下时会触发。 用于initialise the script's properties Awake() 当场景开始运行时\ 当一个Prefab被实例化出来的时候会触发 Awake总是在任何Start()之前被触发 If a GameObject is inactive during start up, Awake is not called until it's made active ...
var other: GameObject; other.hingeJoint Spring.targetPosition=70; ◆ var layer: int 描述:游戏物体所在的层,一个层在[0...32]之间. Layer可以用来选择性的渲染或忽略投射. //设置游戏物体到忽略投射物体的层上 gameObject.layer=2; ◆ var light: Light ...