找父组件/子组件 MonoBehavior直接提供了查找父子组件的方法GetComponent(s)/GetComponent(s)InParent和GetComponent(s)InChildren,因此直接调用即可。对于泛型方法,每个子对象只会找到一个组件,所以通常适用于子组件非常简单的场景。 1 2 3 4 5 6 var renderers = GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>(); for (var i...
GetComponent 获取游戏对象的组件,脚本 GetComponentInChildren 返回此游戏对象或者它的所有子对象上(深度优先)的类型为type的组件。 GetComponentInParent 从父对象查找组件。 GetComponents 返回该游戏对象所有type类型的组件列表。 GetComponentsInChildren *返回此游戏对象与其子对象所有type类型的组件。* GetComponentsIn...
Scene: The currently open scene. Hierarchy: All the game objects in the scene. Note the use of the term GameObjects and the GameObjects dropdown menu. Inspector: The components (properties) of the selected object in the scene. Toolbar: To the far left are Pan, Move, Rotate...
hideFlags Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? name The name of the object. childCount The number of children the parent Transform has. eulerAngles The rotation as Euler angles in degrees. forward Returns a normalized vector representing the blue axis of...
如下图所示,Unity3d做了一个功能,在Project视图中选择一个Prefab,然后右键选择Find References In Scene ,那么此时Unity会自动帮你在当前场景中找到Hierarchy视图中引用这个Prefab的GameObject。 但是这个方法有点局限性,就是它只能找到当前场景的,假设你的这个Prefab在很多场景中都引用了,那么这样是找不到了,为了美术我...
GetComponentInParent Gets a reference to a component of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified, or any parent of the GameObject. GetComponents Gets references to all components of type T on the same GameObject as the component specified. GetComponentsInChildren Gets references to...
1、场景面板(Scene):上图最左侧上半部分,该面板为Unity3D的编辑面板,用于将所需要的模型,灯光以及其他物体对象放置在面板中,构建游戏所需呈现的画面。 2、游戏面板(Game):上图最左侧下半部分,该面板显示的是游戏运行时的画面,即玩家直接看到的画面,可以根据游戏面板的效果在场景面板进行相应的调整。
OnRenderObject OnRenderObject is called after camera has rendered the Scene. OnSerializeNetworkView 用于在网络视图监视的脚本中自定义变量同步。 OnServerInitialized 每当调用 Network.InitializeServer 并且完成时,对该服务器调用该函数。 OnTransformChildrenChanged 当GameObject 的变换的子项列表发生更改时,将调用该...
Unity’s Prefab system allows you to create, configure, and store a GameObject complete with all its components, property values, and child GameObjects as a reusable Asset. The Prefab Asset acts as a template from which you can create new Prefab instances in the Scene....
Automatic binding on components in the scene using the ZenjectBinding component Auto-Mocking using the Moq library Built-in support for memory pools Support for decorator pattern using decorator bindings Support for automatically mapping open generic types Built in support for unit test, integration test...