Translate:平移偏移量,取值类型有 px、%,含义同 4.2.2 节。 Scale:缩放偏移量,取值类型有比例数值、none、initial,含义同 4.2.2 节。 Rotate:旋转角度,取值单位有 deg(角度)、grad(梯度,100 grad = 90 deg)、rad(弧度)、turn(圈,1 turn = 360 deg)。 4.2.11 Cursor(光标) Cursor Image:鼠标图片。 4....
The new Unity 4.6 UI system contains a number of basic object types, such as Panel, Button, Text, Image, Slider, Scrollbar, and Toggle, and it’s incredibly easy to anchor them, scale them, and drag and drop them to create a UI. Figure 10 A UI with an Image and Heads-up Text ...
This camera type, which is commonly used in 2D, doesn’t scale objects further away as your eyes would see them; that is, there’s no depth from the camera position. The other camera type is perspective, which shows objects as our eyes see them, with depth. ...
useDynamicScale When this flag is set to true, render texture is set to be used by the Dynamic Resolution system. useDynamicScaleExplicit When this flag is set to true, render texture is set to be used by the Dynamic Resolution system. Scale is applied with an explicit call to ApplyDynami...
每个LocalizedText所在的GameObject上都需要与Text绑定,LocalizedText会根据自己的textID对Text中的text进行本地化 分辨率适配 UGUI中的分辨率适配是通过CanvasScaler来实现的,如下图: 在这里,我建议使用Scale With Width Or Height这种Scale模式,同时,由于大多数游戏是横屏游戏,通过使用高度固定,宽度随之变化的模式。这样我...
ImageEffectAfterScale ImageEffectAllowedInSceneView ImageEffectOpaque ImageEffectTransformsToLDR ImageEffectUsesCommandBuffer InspectorNameAttribute InspectorOrderAttribute MinAttribute MultilineAttribute NonReorderableAttribute PreferBinarySerialization PropertyAttribute PropertyCollectionAttribute RangeAttribute RequireComponent Ru...
Note: A transform is just a representation of the gameobjects position, rotation and scale (size) in the world. Unity’s goal is to allow the player to give _meaning _to these gameobjects by assigning themfunctionality. For example, if you want your gameobject to be an image of the play... 用于缩放整个Canvas,而且调整Canvas Size与Screen Size一样 先来看一段官方代码 CanvasScaler.cs 代码语言:javascript 复制 protectedvoidSetScaleFactor(float scaleFactor){if(scaleFactor==m_PrevScaleFactor)return;m_Canvas.scaleFactor=scaleFactor;...
在各空白字符位置处创建Image,显示相应的表情图 使用步骤 创建表情图配置资源: 在Project视图中,选中所有表情图,右键创建EmojiCfg。 所有表情图都应为正方形。 创建cfg.png 创建完成.png 通过EmojiText显示: 将前一步创建的Cfg拖入该Text的相应字段。 设置Cfg.png ...
AtlasImage- AtlasImage is a graphic component use SpriteAtlas for uGUI. In addition, add useful sprite selector and border editor to the inspector SpriteDicing- Extension for Unity game engine to work with diced sprites DataRenderer2D- make mesh like line, polygon, etc in unity3d ...