This camera type, which is commonly used in 2D, doesn’t scale objects further away as your eyes would see them; that is, there’s no depth from the camera position. The other camera type is perspective, which shows objects as our eyes see them, with depth. There are various reasons ...
1.1、Transform组件 ①Transform组件是游戏物体中都必须具备的一个基础组件,用于存储、控制游戏物体的位置、旋转、缩放内容。 ②Transform组件类主要包含以下的属性、方法用法: (1)基础位置:主要包含世界坐标【position】、【rotation】、【scale】与本地坐标【localPosition】、【localRotation】、【localScale】。 (2)基础...
要使用其他缩放比例,请在导入资源时在 Import Settings 中设置 Scale Factor 选项。 UPM 包 (UPM package)*: 由Unity Package Manager 管理的__包__。音频术语 音频剪辑 (Audio Clip)*: Unity 中音频数据的容器。Unity 支持单声道、立体声和多声道音频资源(最多八声道)。Unity 可以导入 .aif、.wav、.mp3 ...
可以修改GameObject的名字: 可以修改GameObject的形状:尝试将Transform组件中Scale的Y改为2,会发现Cube的高度变成了2。 所以Cube可以根据需要变换为各种形状的长方体。 在Hierarchy窗口中组织GameObjects 创建子对象 当我们想在Cube下创建一个子对象,可以在Hierarchy窗口的Cube上单击鼠标右键,这里选择一个Sphere。 Hierarchy...
For now, it’s sufficient to know that Transform.Position and Transform.Scale are both Vector3 objects. A Vector3 is simply a three-dimensional vector; in other words, it’s nothing more than three points—just X, Y and Z. Through these three simple values, you can set an object’s ...
UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.renderViewportScale =0.7f; CPU 效能建議 以下內容涵蓋更深入的效能實務,特別將目標放在 Unity 與 C# 開發。 快取參考 建議您在初始化時快取所有相關元件和 GameObject 的參考,因為重複的函數調用,例如GetComponent<T>()和相機.main比儲存指標的記憶體成本更昂貴。 .Camera.main只會使用...
Unity How To/Unity Quick Tips Unity Grayscale Shader for Sprite Overlays & More! This Unity grayscale shader allows everything behind an object mask be rendered in grayscale. Set the material of a Unity Canvas Image / Raw Image or NGUI UITexture to this … ...
These functions allow you to move, rotate and scale your selected GameObjects. 将步骤标记为已完成 3.Review the Editor layout options 7 You can use the Layout menu, found in the under Window, to change the arrangement of the windows in the Editor. There are several layouts provided, and ...
For example, an image’s import settings allow you to choose whether Unity imports it as a Texture, a 2D sprite, or a normal map. The import settings for an FBX file allow you to adjust the scale, generate normals or lightmap coordinates, and split & trim animation clips defined in ...
Unity's Frame Debugger is very useful for getting a sense of how Unity draws your Scene. Watch out for situations where you cover large sections of the screen with GameObjects, as Unity continues to draw everything behind the GameObject even though it is hidden. A common example of such a...