In-Editor warnings and errors– Unity will generate a standard set of errors if something is wrong with your code or the initial Unity components setup. Still, you won’t receive any warning if you create a room without doors or windows by mistake. This can be done by a custom script, ...
在unity中,我们打包时在Run In Xcode as 选择debug模式,并且勾选Development Build 打包完成后,使用Xcode打开文件,在Xcode中选择Product ——> Scheme——> Manage Schemes 然后会出现如下界面 我们双击这个项目会出现如下界面 然后我们在左侧选中Run,然后在右侧面板选择Options 在GPU frame Capture中选择OpenGL ES或者Me...
Running Editor Script Code on LaunchSometimes, it is useful to be able to run some editor script code in a project as soon as Unity launches without requiring action from the user. You can do this by applying the InitializeOnLoad attribute to a class which has a static constructor. A ...
另请参阅:runInEditMode。 // The PrintAwake script is placed on aGameObject. The Awake function is // called when theGameObjectis started at runtime. The script is also // called by theEditor. An example is when the scene is changed to a // different scene in the Project window. /...
runInBackground如已启用,游戏将在失去焦点后继续运行。 scriptingRuntimeVersion脚本运行时版本设置。更改此值可设置 Editor 使用的版本并重新启动 Editor 以应用更改。 statusBarHiddenShould status bar be hidden. Shared between iOS & Android platforms. ...
using UnityEditor; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.2 组件控制方法 【禁止在同一物体重复添加该脚本】 [DisallowMultipleComponent] public class MapCreator : MonoBehaviour{ } 1. 2. 3. 【允许通过菜单栏上的Component菜单为物体添加该脚本】 [AddComponentMenu("myMenu/test")] ...
各个选项分别为External Script Editor(外部脚本编辑器)、Editor Attaching(编辑器附加操作)、Image application(图像应用程序)、Asset Server diff tool(不同的资源服务器管理工具)、Android SDK Location(Android SDK路径),根据实际情况选择合适工具。 ● 当单击Colors(颜色)选项,会进入颜色编辑界面,如图2-35所示,里面...
[ExecuteInEditMode] //一些需要在run才能赋值的变量,直接在编辑器中被赋值。 [SelectionBase] //在Scene View中单击选择它的子物体时,会首先选中它自己。点2次子物体,才会选中要选的子物体。把该脚本的物体作为base的效果。 如图父子结构,在Scene View中操作: ...
Preset 类包含创建对象时所用的对象类型以及含此对象的每个已序列化属性/值对的列表。 此类可用于在 Editor 中存储任何已序列化对象的信息,并可将这些信息重新应用到此对象或同类型的其他任何对象。 此外,还可以使用 .preset 扩展名将预设另存为资源。
When you run code in Unity, you’re using Mono version 3.5, which has API compatibility roughly on par with that of the .NET Framework 3.5/CLR 2.0. You edit your code in Unity by double-clicking on a code file in the project view, which opens the default cross-platform editor, Mono...