Xcode的功能也十分的强大,在我们开发IOS端时,可以使用其GPU frame Capture 功能为我们的项目进行性能优化分析。 在unity中,我们打包时在Run In Xcode as 选择debug模式,并且勾选Development Build 打包完成后,使用Xcode打开文件,在Xcode中选择Product ——> Scheme——> Manage Schemes 然后会出现如下界面 我们双击这个...
最近在玩ml-agents,发现训练的时候点击别的窗口,Unity Editor就挂起不接着运行了。google了一下发现可以通过点击Edit->Project Settings->Player->Resolution and Presentation,然后勾选Run In Background即可解决该问题:
Unity运行时编辑器 Runtime Editor v4.4.7 Unity运行时编辑器 Runtime Editor v4.4.7文章源自cg资源站-https://www.cgzyw.com/23387.html 运行时编辑器是一套脚本和预制件,可帮助你创建场景编辑器、关卡编辑器,或者构建你自己的建模应用程序。它支持拖放、撤消和重新,以及选择 api。文章源自CG资源站-https://...
Runtime Editor is the set of scripts and prefabs which help you to create scene editor, game level editor or build your own modeling application. It supports drag & drop, undo & redo and selection api. To implement user interface and core functions runtime editor use transform-handles, gizmo...
最新版本3.5.3 最新发布日期2023年5月20日 原始Unity 版本 2019.4.38或更高 功能:♥ 定位、旋转、伸缩变形句柄;♥ 网格、盒形选择、场景小工具;♥ 变形句柄移动版和 AR 核心支持;♥ 全局和局部坐标;♥ 局部和中央轴心点模式;♥ 顶点和网格捕捉;♥ 碰撞器、光线和音源小工具;♥ 场景导航、正交和...
using UnityEditor; public class EditorTest : EditorWindow { enum EnumTest { 网, 虫, 测, 试 } static EditorTest window; [MenuItem("Tools/测试编辑器功能")] static void Test() { window = (EditorTest)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(EditorTest), false, "测试编辑器功能"); ...
Desired worker countSet the number of import worker processes that the import pipeline considers the optimal number to run in parallel. Standby Import Worker CountSet the minimum number of worker processes to keep, even if they’re idle. If there are more worker processes than this, Unity shuts...
另请参阅:ExecuteAlways、Application.IsPlaying、runInEditMode、EditorApplication.QueuePlayerLoopUpdate。 // The PrintAwake script is placed on aGameObject. The Awake function is // called when theGameObjectis started at runtime. The script is also // called by theEditor. An example is when theSce...
所以就有了一个需求,在Editor下运行协程。我从网上找到一个EditorCoroutine。其代码例如以下: using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; public static class EditorCoroutineRunner ...
Runtime Unity Editor / Debugging Tools In-game inspector, editor and interactive console for applications made with Unity3D game engine. It’s designed for debugging and modding Unity games, but can also be used as a universal trainer. Runs under BepInEx5, BepInEx6 IL2CPP and UMM. Features...