总结:Quaternion * Vector3 表示在世界坐标系下,Vector3的任意旋转; In the quaternion world, multiplication is the way to apply the rotation to something 【在Quaternion下,相乘表示应用旋转】 Quaternion.Inverse(quaternion) returns the inverse rotation The vector will be rotated in the world space. The...
lossyScale Vector3类型,相对世界坐标系缩放。 Functions Translate (translation : Vector3, relativeTo : Space=Space.Self) : void 平移物体,space可以是Self和World,这个不用说了吧 Rotate (eulerAngles : Vector3, relativeTo : Space = Space.Self) : void 绕欧拉角度的向量旋转 RotateAround (point : Vector...
transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.up, 30); 1. 3.Quaternion.RotateTowards方法 Quaternion.RotateTowards方法可以将对象从当前旋转角度逐渐旋转到目标旋转角度。其语法如下: public static Quaternion RotateTowards(Quaternion from, Quaternion to, float maxDegreesDelta); 1. 其中,from表示当前的旋转角度,to...
Vector3 crossProduct = Vector3.Cross(v1, v2); Debug.Log("Dot product: " + dotProduct); Debug.Log("Cross product: " + crossProduct); // 向量的旋转 Vector3 rotation = new Vector3(0, 90, 0); Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.Euler(rotation); Vector3 rotatedVector = quaternion * v1...
If a negative value is used for maxRadiansDelta, the vector will rotate away from target/ until it is pointing in exactly the opposite direction, then stops.See Also: Quaternion.RotateTowards. using UnityEngine;// To use this script, attach it to the GameObject that you would like to ...
void Diaoluo(bool Rotate,GameObject obj) { if (obj) { if(Rotate) { obj.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up*Time.deltaTime*Angle); } } } void OnGUI() { if(GUILayout.Button(AddCub)) { GameObject objCub = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); ...
到目前为止,DOTween 可以在这些类型的值之间转换: float, double, int, uint, long, ulong, Vector2/3/4, Quaternion, Rect, RectOffset, Color, string (其中一些值可以在特殊方式) 此外,您还可以创建自定义DOTween插件在自定义值类型之间切换: 创建DOTween的方法有三种:一般方式、快捷键、其他通用方式 ...
rb.MovePosition(Vector3.zero); // 移动到原点 rb.MoveRotation(Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0)); // 旋转到指定角度 Input类 Input类用于获取用户输入,如键盘、鼠标和触摸等。通过Input类,程序员可以实现游戏的交互功能。 常用方法: GetKey(KeyCode key): 检测指定按键是否按下。
练习分三次对x,y,z轴进行旋转:box.transform.localRotation *= Euler(new Vector3(50,0,0)); 这其实就是transform带的Rotate方法中的实现,不过这只 本地坐标旋转 Quaternion.eulerAngles 来一下完成三次旋转 练习用三个四元数相乘,得到完成旋转后物体的rotation四元数 ...
this.transform.rotation = quaternion; moveCameraByKey(cameraMoveSpeed); } this.trans_z = (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") *this.cameraMoveSpeed * 2) * Time.deltaTime; this.transform.Translate(Vector3.forward *this.trans_z); //if (Input.GetMouseButton(2)) ...