transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, Space.Self);//绕自身坐标系旋转,这是默认的 transform.RotateAround(, Vector3.up, 20 * Time.deltaTime);//绕点旋转,旋转轴,角度 transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;//旋转可由四元数直接指定 transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(angle);//由欧拉角直接指...
transform.Rotate(new Vector3(30, 0, 0)); 1. 2.Transform.RotateAround方法 Transform.RotateAround方法可以将对象绕某个点旋转一定的角度。其语法如下: public void RotateAround(Vector3 point, Vector3 axis, float angle); 1. 其中,point表示旋转的中心点,axis表示旋转的轴,angle表示旋转的角度。 例如,如果...
Rotate(Vector3 eulerAngles): 绕自身坐标系的轴旋转游戏对象。 RotateAround(Vector3 point, Vector3 axis, float angle): 绕指定点和轴旋转游戏对象。 Scale(Vector3 scale): 缩放游戏对象。 代码示例: Transform playerTransform = playerObject.transform; playerTransform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTim...
1、2、4物体的rotation=(0,0,0),3、5、6物体的rotation=(180,0,0),其余均为默认值*/// Rotate(Vector3 eulerAngles):以欧拉角旋转objsTrans[1].Rotate(direction* Speed *Time.fixedDeltaTime);// Rotate(Vector3 axis,floatangle):绕axis轴,旋转angle度objsTrans[2].Rotate(Vector3.forward,36* Speed...
Rotate takes a Vector3 argument as an Euler angle. The second argument is the rotation axes, which can be set to local axis (Space.Self) or global axis (Space.World). The rotation is by the Euler amount. 注意事项 如果填 3 个值 x、y、z,那么应用的顺序为 z、x、y,而且一句 API 是一...
void Diaoluo(bool Rotate,GameObject obj) { if (obj) { if(Rotate) { obj.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up*Time.deltaTime*Angle); } } } void OnGUI() { if(GUILayout.Button(AddCub)) { GameObject objCub = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); ...
示例2: RotateTo ▲点赞 9▼ // Rotate this target towards a positionpublicvoidRotateTo(Vector3position){if(pivot ==null)return;if(pivot != lastPivot) { defaultLocalRotation = pivot.localRotation; lastPivot = pivot; }// Rotate to the default local rotationpivot.localRotation = defaultLocalRo...
3️⃣ Rotate函数,在Space.World中旋转 该函数让物体绕着世界坐标轴旋转。 比如: 代码语言:javascript 复制 voidUpdate(){transform.Rotate(newVector3(0,0,0.2f),Space.World);} 它代表了每帧绕着世界坐标的Z轴,正向旋转0.2度。 🟧 旋转的正方向 ...
Поворот vector'a от currentк /target/ This function is similar to MoveTowards except that the vector is treated as a direction rather than a position. The current vector will be rotated round toward the target direction by an angle of maxRadiansDelta, although it will land exactl...
public voidRotate(Vector3axis, floatangle); Parameters axisThe axis to apply rotation to. angleThe degrees of rotation to apply. Description Rotates the object around the given axis by the number of degrees defined by the given angle.