This also means that if the colliders produce a collision then it will affect the rigidbody movement and potentially stop it from reaching the specified angle during the next physics update. If the rigidbody is kinematic then any collisions won't affect the rigidbody itself and will only ...
创建一个RigidbodyMovement.cs脚本,并将其绑定到此cube上 主要功能:键盘操控,鼠标拖动,碰撞检测 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class RigidbodyMovement : MonoBehaviour { Rigidbody rbody;//公开到显示面板 public public float speed = 30f;//速度预先定义...
interpolationInterpolation provides a way to manage the appearance of jitter in the movement of your Rigidbody GameObjects at run time. isKinematic控制物理是否影响刚体。 mass刚体的质量。 maxAngularVelocityThe maximum angular velocity of the rigidbody measured in radians per second. (Default 7) range...
m_Rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(desiredForward); //设置旋转四元数,暂时理解为旋转方法要用的参数 } (3) 移动和旋转角色 //当播放动画的时候,调用Rigidbody(刚体)控制角色运动 private void OnAnimatorMove() { //移动 m_Rigidbody.MovePosition(m_Rigidbody.position + m_Movement * m_Animator.deltaPos...
添加刚体rigidbody2D 给人物添加刚体rigidbody2D 记得把下图那个碰撞检测改为连续 睡眠模式改为从不睡眠 把Z轴冻结(因为是2D游戏) 注意:在2D俯视角游戏中,要把重力Gravity Scale改为0 一定要记得改,不然人物就会莫名其妙的下移,很奇怪 添加刚体后,添加了刚体的物体就会受重力、摩擦力等的影响,点击开始后就会直接向...
--Drag Rigidbody 刚体拖动--FPSWalker 新鲜粮食店(不准)--Terrain 地形--Timed Object Destructor 定时对象的析构--Water Simple 水简诉Camera-Control 摄像机控制--Mouse Look 鼠标查看--Mouse Orbit 鼠标轨道--Smooth Follow 光滑后续--Smooth Look At 光滑预览 思念往昔AL 笃学好古 5 第六章 Terrain(...
Script蓝图 物理RaycastLine Trace, Shape Trace Rigid Body碰撞,物理 运行平台iOS Player, Web Player支持的平台 项目文件和文件 怎么理解项目中的目录和文件? 和Unity 项目一样,虚幻项目也保存在专门的目录结构中,并且有着自己的项目文件。你可以双击.uproject文件打开虚幻编辑器并加载该项目,或者点击右键查看更多选项...
Rigidbody m_Rigidbody; //刚体 Vector3 m_Movement; //移动向量 Quaternion m_Rotation = Quaternion.identity;//旋转四元数 (2) 相关逻辑运算 方法:可以理解为类似于王师傅做菜时切小块,加宽油等处理材料的手段或者方法,在这里使处理数据信息的方法。
For more details on the operation of movement using these methods, see Rigidbody2D.MovePosition and Rigidbody2D.MoveRotation. public void MovePositionAndRotation (Vector2 position, Quaternion rotation); 参数 position The position to move the rigidbody to. rotation The rotation to move the rigidbody...
void movePlayer(Vector3 movement) {if(rigidBody.velocity.magnitude * acceleration>maxSpeed) {rigidBody.AddForce(movement * -1);} else {rigidBody.AddForce(movement);}} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 上述方法用于对刚体施加力作用,使其移动。如果当前速度超过maxSpeed,力会变成相反的方向...这有点像...