这是插件,能跑起来,没报错,加个public的变量但没有显示在inspector上。它的Impostor Asset和Lod Group却可以显示在inspector上。查看引用找不到Impostor Asset被做了什么特别的操作。这是什么魔法?不要说重启什么的了,换几台电脑试试,不同的Unity版本都一样。 瞧瞧侨客 Particle 8 应该是人家有Custom Editors的...
请教一下为什么有的p..public class MyEvent : UnityEvent<int, string> { }public class Script1 : MonoBehaviour{ pub
默认情况下Public是暴露给Unity,protect/private是不暴露给Unity的,但有时候想让外部引用,又不想暴露给Unity,怎么办? 对Unity隐藏,使用[HideInInspector] using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; publicclassNewBehaviourScript:MonoBehaviour{ [HideInINspector]//起作用publicintbb =2; } 对Unity暴露,使用[Seria...
Public and serialized fields will no longer cause warnings. We've auto-suppressed the CS0649 and IDE0051 compiler warnings in Unity projects that created these messages. Integration: Improved the user experience for displaying Unity editor and player instances (windows are now resizable, use uniform...
public float JumpForce = 30f; //动画曲线,用在了模型动画播放时的碰撞盒缩放及重力调节 public AnimationCurve SlopeCurveModifier = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(-90.0f, 1.0f), new Keyframe(0.0f, 1.0f), new Keyframe(90.0f, 0.0f)); //当前的目标速度 [HideInInspector] public float ...
Unity 常见报错问题解决方案 目录 Unity 常见报错问题解决方案 【已解决】Unity Coroutinue 协程未有效执行的问题 【待解决】Not a Prefab scene 7 ‘UniversalAdditionalCamera... 【解决】Expanding invalid MinMaxAABB 【解决】Java开发工具包(JDK)目录未设置或无效。请在“首选项“>“外部工具“中将其修复22 使用...
Every object in your game is ... ScriptableObject Just like MonoBehaviours, ScriptableObjects derive from the base Unity object but, unlike MonoBehaviours, you can not attach a ... Game perspectives for 2D games Game perspectives for 2D games Build manifest as ScriptableObject public void Set...
You can access the GitHub window by going to Windows -> GitHub. The window opens by default next to the Inspector window. Initialize Repository If the current Unity project is not in a Git repository, the GitHub for Unity extension will offer to initialize the repository for you. This will...
Generic ReactiveProeprty is not inspecatble but UniRx provides specialized ReactiveProperty for use in inspector. You can use Int/LongReactiveProperty, Float/DoubleReactiveProperty, StringReactiveProperty, etc for show and editable in inspector. If you want to use Enum's ReactiveProperty, you can ma...