Triggers do not require a Rigidbody component on the game object, either, because no force calculations are taking place. One thing that often trips up new developers is the behavior of rigid bodies when you add colliders to them. If I have a circle collider on my object and I put ...
A complex object? Use multiple colliders. Avoid the mesh collider if possible. Unity provides a number of methods to know when a collision happens or a trigger is triggered. The following shows just a basic example: XML Copy void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { // Called when you ...
其中提到最多的是利用EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()来判断,这个方法的意义是判断鼠标是否点到了GameObject上面,这个GameObject包括UI也包括3D世界中的任何物体,所以他只能判断用户是都点到了东西。对于本文中的问题意义不是很大。那么这个问题到底该怎么解决呢? 原理 解决方法最终还是离不开射线检测,不过UGU...
Added an error message when using incorrect conditions in breakpoints. Cached exception settings when starting up the debugging session. Integration: Updated UNT0006 to support all OnPostprocessAllAssets overloads. Added UNT0031, Asset operations in LoadAttribute method. Added UNT0032, Inefficient metho...
private void ExportGameRootAnchor() { WorldAnchorTransferBatch transferBatch = new WorldAnchorTransferBatch(); transferBatch.AddWorldAnchor("gameRoot", this.gameRootAnchor); WorldAnchorTransferBatch.ExportAsync(transferBatch, OnExportDataAvailable, OnExportComplete); } 當...
The code simply looks for a game object called "wibble". In this example there is no game object with that name, so the Find()... Off-Mesh Link Cost Override If value is positive, use it when calculating path cost on processing a path request. Otherwise, the default cost... Other ...
当玩家与侦察兵相撞,触发玩家的death变量,使玩家倒地,触发巡逻兵的shoot变量,使巡逻兵发动攻击,调用PlayerGameover表示游戏结束。 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class PlayerCollide : MonoBehaviour { void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other) { //当玩家与侦察...
An updated client has no problem connecting to the old server but an old client can not connect to a new server.By default, when the old data read to new schema, any members not on the data side are initialized with the default literal. If you want to avoid this and use initial ...
See inGlossarylighting not matching the 3D geometry’s lighting. Splines You can now store personalized data on Spline objects. Additionally, the interface for editing points in the Inspector has been enhanced and certain APIs have been made available to the public. When you work on splines, you...
private static readonly object locker = new object(); public static T Instance { get { if (instance == null) { //lock写第一个if里是因为只有该类的实例还没创建时,才需要加锁,这样可以节省性能 lock (locker) { if (instance == null) ...