OnRenderObject:在所有固定场景渲染之后被调用。此时你可以使用GL类或者Graphics.DrawMeshNow来画自定义的几何体。 OnPostRender:Called after a camera finishes rendering the scene. OnPostRender: 在相机完成场景的渲染后被调用。 OnRenderImage(Pro only):Called after scene rendering is complete to allow postproce...
OnRenderObject:Called after all regular scene rendering is done. You can use GL class or Graphics.DrawMeshNow to draw custom geometry at this point. OnRenderObject:在所有固定场景渲染之后被调用。此时你可以使用GL类或者Graphics.DrawMeshNow来画自定义的几何体。 OnPostRender:Called after a camera finis...
Description 描述 OnPostRender is called after a camera has finished rendering the scene. OnPostRender函数在相机渲染场景之后调用。 This messa…
Description 描述 OnPostRender is called after a camera finished rendering the scene. 在相机完成场景渲染之后被调用。 This function is called …
unity onpostrender unity onpostrender在canvas上 文章目录 序 1. Canvas的三种模式 2. 两个相同模式的canvas之间的显示 2-1 都是ScreenSpace-Overlay 2-2 都是WorldSpace 2-3 都是ScreenSpace-Camera 3. 两个不同模式的canvas之间的显示 3-1 ScreenSpace-Overlay与WorldSpace...
MonoBehaviour.OnPostRender() 描述 在摄像机完成场景渲染后,将调用 OnPostRender。 仅当该脚本附加到摄像机并且启用时,才调用该函数。 OnPostRender 可以作为协同程序使用 - 在函数中使用 yield 语句即可。OnPostRender 在摄像机渲染其所有对象后调用。如果您想在渲染完所有摄像机和 GUI 后执行某些操作,请使用 Wa...
OnPostRender 在摄像机完成场景渲染后调用。 该消息将发送到附加到摄像机的所有脚本。 另请参阅:onPostRender委托。 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ExampleClass :MonoBehaviour{ private bool revertFogState = false; void OnPreRender() { revertFogState =RenderSettings.fog;RenderSett...
OnRenderObject: Called after all regular scene rendering is done. You can use GL class or Graphics.DrawMeshNow to draw custom geometry at this point. OnPostRender: Called after a camera finishes rendering the scene. OnRenderImage: Called after scene rendering is complete to allow post-processing...
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Updated UNT0006 to support all OnPostprocessAllAssets overloads. Added UNT0031, Asset operations in LoadAttribute method. Added UNT0032, Inefficient method to set localPosition and localRotation. Added UNT0033, Incorrect message case. Bumped severity to Warning for UNT0033, UNT0015 and UNT0006 dia...