public class Resolution : MonoBehaviour { public Camera mainCamera; void Start() { //Screen.SetResolution(1280, 800, true, 60); mainCamera = Camera.mainCamera; // float screenAspect = 1280 / 720; 现在android手机的主流分辨。 // mainCamera.aspect ---> 摄像机的长宽比(宽度除以高度) mainCame...
pixelHeight; var screenResolution = math.int2(camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight); int2 tileResolution; int tileSize = 16; do { tileSize <<= 1; tileResolution = (screenResolution + tileSize - 1) / tileSize; } while (tileResolution.x * tileResolution.y > 1024); for (int i = 0,...
自定义你的代码以便在游戏运行时去动态的将UI元素合并到更少的层级和批次。 使用多种分辨率(resolution)和纵横比(aspect ratio) 目前很多移动设备使用的分辨率和屏幕尺寸完全不同,为不同的设备提供不同版本的UI(alternate versions of the UI)以便每一台设备都有最好的用户体验。 使用设备模拟器(...
Screen resolution 屏幕分辨率 iOS version iOS版本 Dynamic Objects 动态对象 Asset Bundles 资源包 Resources 资源 Silly issues checklist 不应该做的事情的清单 Just like on PCs, mobile platforms like iOS and Android have devices of various levels of p...
如果设备的屏幕原始 DPI 高于此值,则 Unity 会降低游戏画面分辨率以匹配此设置。缩放的计算公式为 min(Target DPI * Factor / Screen DPI, 1)。Factor 由Quality 设置中的 Resolution Scaling Fixed DPI Factor 属性控制。注意:仅当Resolution Scaling Mode 设置为 Fixed DPI 时才会显示此选项。Orientation...
尽可能使画布 RenderMode 采用 Screen Space - Overlay,这样就不需要摄像机。 使用世界空间 (World Space) 渲染模式时,请务必填充 Event Camera 音频 尽管音频通常不会造成性能瓶颈,还是可以进行优化以节省内存。 尽量使用单声道声音剪辑 如果要使用 3D 空间音频, 请以单声道 (single channel) 的形式创作声音剪辑,...
Resolution Use theResolutionsection to customize the screen mode and default size. SettingDescription Run Without FocusEnable this property to keep your application running even when it’s not in focus but is visible, such as on devices supporting split-screen mode. When disabled, the application ...
screen resolution at runtime, thus we have to avoid this mode and choose thefullscreen window modeinstead. In fullscreen window mode, your game will run inside a maximized borderless window. This window will live in the current screen, thus inheriting the same resolution of the display where...
#2. There are times where a mobile device’s screen resolution out-powers the capabilities of the device’s graphics processing unit.This may be solved by reducing the resolution that is being rendered, through the Unity function “Screen.SetResolution(…) ”. You may ta...
下面的Reference Resolution,表示UI宽和高一半的大小。例如设计尺寸为640x960, 则x应为640 / 2 = 320,宽应为960 / 2 = 480。 下面的Screen Match Mode属性选中Match Width Or Height,表示采用宽度(上文有提到过) 或高度(Unity自带适配方式)适配。然后Match调整为0或1,0表示完全宽度适配, ...